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ATTACHMENT A: AMENDMENT 2 SCOPE OF WORK— LIONS WAYSIDE AND DELUCCHI <br /> PARKS <br /> Task 10 Conceptual Design Alternatives <br /> AECOM will prepare conceptual plans for three alternatives consistent with the description of those <br /> alternatives in the cover letter Depending on geotechnical, topographic, environmental and regulatory <br /> constraints, each alternative may provide different benefits and drawbacks The plans will show <br /> conceptual grading, location of any existing and new stream crossings, existing and proposed vegetation, <br /> existing and proposed structures, and other hardscape features Aside from changes to the disposition of <br /> Kottinger Creek, all other elements of the current master plan concept will remain the same AECOM will <br /> also provide preliminary cost estimates for each alternative <br /> Assumptions <br /> • Background site plan, previous conceptual designs, utility plan, current aerial photos, and other <br /> documentation accurately reflecting current conditions will be provided in Autocad format prior to <br /> start of landscape design work They will accurately depict existing and proposed underground <br /> and overhead utilities, hardscape elements such as fences, structures, vaults, pavement, existing <br /> trees, and other features <br /> • One set of hardcopy and electronic draft drawings (1 drawing per alternative)will be provided for <br /> City review and comments Comments will be incorporated into the final conceptual drawings <br /> Drawings will be prepared in Autocad <br /> • Final documents will be revised within three weeks of receipt of consolidated comments from the <br /> City <br /> • If irrigation design, additional detailed drawings, or other landscape tasks are required during the <br /> conceptual design phase, they will be provided as separate tasks and a budget amendment may <br /> be necessary <br /> • Meetings will be conducted by phone unless otherwise requested by the City Attendance at in <br /> person meetings may require a budget amendment <br /> Task Cost: $15,276 <br /> Task 11. CEQA Initial Study Addendum <br /> Prepare Administrative Draft Addendum <br /> AECOM will attend a meeting with the City to discuss the changes to the project design and construction <br /> and any information needs for the addendum AECOM will prepare an administrative draft addendum that <br /> outlines the project's CEQA compliance, the project changes that have prompted the City to prepare an <br /> addendum, and the Initial Study questions revisited in the addendum The addendum should provide the <br /> revised project layout and conceptual design drawings, describe which aspects of the project would <br /> change, such as the pedestrian walkway, and quantify the changes—primarily reduced fill and fewer <br /> truck trips The addendum would provide a clarification of the project objectives by explaining that the <br /> creek would not be covered over the length of the park The addendum would explain why most of the <br /> CEQA resource areas will not be re-evaluated (e g , agriculture, land use, public services), and why the <br /> previous evaluation and mitigation measures remain sufficient Because of the reduced project footprint, <br /> we envision that the addendum will use a narrative approach with supporting tables where needed, and <br /> will not require extensive attachments or revised modeling <br /> 1 <br />