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Annette Brecheisen <br /> Subject: FW Tennis Courts and Trees <br /> 1'r3Y[:st �(C hhS v ::y nz`° <br /> C'ti t p c _`JC�'sL��R1I�LS <br /> From: — 7� G t 2/G <br /> Sent:Saturday, December 03, 2016 1:17 PM <br /> To:Steve Kirkpatrick<skirkpatrick> <br /> Subject:Tennis Courts and Trees <br /> Dear Steve, <br /> I am unable to attend the public meeting on Tuesday, December 6, 2016 but, I most <br /> certainly have some comments about the tennis courts AND the trees that are to be <br /> cut down along Hopyard Road. <br /> Some months ago at a city council meeting several neighbors of the tennis park were <br /> present to protest the construction of two additional tennis courts,. Granted, the two <br /> additional tennis courts that were plannned were to be placed in a well loved lawn area <br /> and might perhaps cause light and noise that disturbed nearby neighbors. But, those <br /> were NOT the only complaints., The park obviously, does not need additional tennnis <br /> courts. On any given day one can drive by the tennis park at any hour that the courts <br /> are open and see at least one and quite often more empty tennis courts. That, to <br /> p q PY <br /> most people would indicate that additional courts are not needed. Even if there does <br /> come a time that all the courts are in use, even tennis players can wait. The wait, <br /> given that there are already ten courts to choose from, would seldom be very long. <br /> We don't build additional grocery stores or gas stations just because we occasionally <br /> have to wait. The price of the tennis courts has gone up besides. We have other <br /> projects, I am sure, that could put much less than that exorbitant amount of money <br /> to much better use! <br /> Now, in addition to unneeded and unwanted tennis courts the city is planning on <br /> cutting down some of the trees in the tennis park that border on Hopyard Road. <br /> Never before can I remember being given that kind of information in advance to be <br /> able to comment on. The reason given for removing the trees is that 12 drought tolerant <br /> trees will be replacing them. If the existing trees were not drought tolerant they would be <br /> dead or dying by now. They are not dead or dying and we are still in a longer drought than <br /> we have experienced in a long time. The grass is likewise not dead or dying but, it would be if <br /> it were not for the shade of those trees. I for one much prefer the beautiful, healthy and <br /> thriving trees we have over a bunch of gangly new trees.that look like those very trees <br /> looked when they were first planted. We suffered through years of gangly trees and now <br /> that they are bigger and more beautiful it is time to cut them down? I don't think so! I've <br /> seen that happen before. It is very sad! <br /> Please think more about it before you build new tennis courts or cut down more trees. <br /> Saving money once in a while is not a bad thing either. <br /> Thank you for you attention to this letter and my feelings. I am not the only resident that feels this <br /> way! <br /> 1 <br />