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ATTACHMENT 1 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Exhibit A <br />Draft Revised Conditions of Approval <br />UP- 77 -13, Pleasanton Mason Lodge <br />March 25, 2009 <br />1. Allowed uses at the Lodge shall include Lodge- sponsored events, classes and <br />seminars, and private social events (e.g., weddings, holiday parties, etc.) where <br />specific guests are invited by written invitation and no fee is charged. No events <br />open to the public -at -large shall be allowed. No advertising of any social events <br />shall be allowed. No alcohol shall be sold at any non -Lodge sponsored event held <br />at the Lodge. <br />2. The Pleasanton Mason Lodge shall consult an acoustics professional to explore <br />mitigations to alleviate noise level. The acoustics professional shall be one that is <br />on the City's consultant list. The consultant's report shall include mitigations and <br />recommendations, if the anticipated noise levels are found to exceed the Noise <br />Ordinance and the General Plan standards. The report shall be provided to the <br />Planning Division within 90 days from the date of the approval. At the discretion of <br />the Director of Community Development, the report may or may not be accepted. <br />No non -Lodge functions shall be held until mitigations in the acoustics study have <br />been implemented to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. <br />3. Non -Lodge functions shall conclude no later than 10:00 p.m. on weeknights and <br />Sundays, and 12:00 midnight on Fridays and Saturdays. <br />4. The use of the outdoor area at the Lodge site shall be concluded no later than <br />9:00 p.m. At that time, all activities shall take place within the Lodge building, and <br />the rear door shall remain closed but not locked. <br />5. The Lodge and St. Clare's Episcopal Church shall share a scheduling calendar as <br />long as they share the same parking lot. Events shall be scheduled 30 days in <br />advance or shall require a written consent from the other party. <br />6. The Lodge shall maintain the site in a clean and orderly manner at all times. <br />7. If the operation of this use results in conflicts pertaining to parking, noise, <br />traffic /circulation, or other factors, at the discretion of the Director of Community <br />Development, this Conditional Use Permit may be submitted to the Planning <br />Commission for its subsequent review at a public hearing. If necessary, the <br />Planning Commission may modify or add conditions of approval to mitigate such <br />impacts, or may revoke the said Conditional Use Permit approval. Possible <br />mitigation measures may include, but are not limited to, modification of the hours of <br />operation, prohibition of amplified music, restriction on the number of non -Lodge <br />activities per month, or other measures deemed necessary by the Planning <br />Commission. <br />(end) <br />