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EXHIBIT M <br />Ce,, VM1/( V��j 1 Elu4; j <br />1 Z-1 . i The Millers' Response to the January 28, 2015 Planning Commission Staff Report <br />Quick Review <br />Unlike prior planners and commissioners, this Planning Department is allowing a building in a residential <br />neighborhood to be used beyond anything that should be allowed in a residential neighborhood, including <br />both loud outdoor public parties (up to 600 people including serving alcohol), and a catering company. <br />In 1977, when the Masons requested to build a Masonic Temple on land inside a residentially zoned area <br />and immediately next to residential homes, the City was rightly concerned about the impact of noise on <br />the residences. The City therefore required the Masons to contain "any" noise within the building. This <br />requirement is now being violated. Furthermore, the City required the Masons to not hold any activities in <br />the outdoor area next to residences. This "buffer" zone is the land on the north and west sides of the <br />building. Since 2006, this buffer has been violated by the Masons, creating a severe noise nuisance for the <br />Millers. Additionally, from the 1977 CUP and design review, the Masons building was to only have doors <br />and windows on the south side of the building, away from residents, except for emergency exits. This <br />condition is also being violated. And finally, currently the Pleasanton Masonic Center and A Tasteful Affair, <br />both of which are for - profit commercial businesses, are operating in the building, conducting illegal <br />commercial activities, and violating not only the 1977 CUP but also the current zoning codes and General <br />Plan, which add to the severe noise nuisance for the Millers. <br />Contents <br />1. There are critical errors and omissions in the City's Jan. 28, 2015 Staff Report, including the <br />omission of the proof that that the Masons are violating the City's codes 2 <br />2. The City omitted a precedent set in a recent similar noise nuisance hearing regarding a school for <br />children, called Young Ivy Academy 4 <br />3. The Masons' parties have subsided due to the Millers' efforts —not the City's efforts 5 <br />4. If the Masons' parties have subsided, why are the Millers still asking for a hearing? 5 <br />5. What do the Millers want? 6 <br />6. The Masons cannot apply for a new CUP without also changing the zoning codes and General Plan, <br />which are also being violated 7 <br />7. The noise codes are currently being incorrectly interpreted by the City 8 <br />8. Attachments 8 <br />Attachment 111 —The City's Errors & Omissions in the Jan. 28, 2015 Staff Report 9 <br />Attachment #2— Violations of 1977 Regulations 24 <br />Attachment #3A— Violations of Current Codes 25 <br />Attachment #3B—The Masons' Tax Exempt & Nonprofit Statuses, and Tax Return Summary 27 <br />Attachment #4 —Young Ivy Academy 28 <br />Attachment #5— Flyers the Millers handed out at Political Meetings (1 of 2) 30 <br />Attachment #6— Flyers the Millers handed out at Political Meetings (2 of 2) 31 <br />Attachment #7— Letter from the Millers' sound engineer, Derek Watry 32 <br />Attachment #8— Letter from the Millers' attorney, Stu Flashman 32 <br />1 <br />