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Staff notes that the above measures would address train engine /wheel noise but exclude <br />mitigation for train horns, which may require mitigation that is infeasible and /or unacceptable <br />from a design and neighborhood impact standpoint (e.g., tall sound walls). The General Plan <br />indicates that the City Council will evaluate the requirement to achieve the General Plan noise <br />standards in the Downtown on a case -by -case basis. Staff believes that a condition of approval <br />requiring disclosure of frequent train whistle noise is sufficient, which is what has been required <br />for other recently approved and /or constructed projects. <br />Noise Impacts on Adjacent Properties <br />The development of the property will generate added urban noise, such as traffic and landscape <br />maintenance activities. However, noise levels are not expected to change substantially from <br />those currently experienced in the area because overall activity levels at the site would be <br />modest. Ambient noise levels could decrease for some of the adjacent properties due to the <br />shielding of traffic and train noise by the proposed buildings. <br />Short-term construction noise would be generated during any new construction on this site. The <br />City normally allows construction hours from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, <br />with Saturday construction allowed if nearby residents are unlikely to be impacted by <br />construction noise or activities. Since there are existing residences directly adjacent to the <br />proposed project site, staff is recommending that Saturday construction not be allowed. Staff is <br />recommending a condition that would allow the Director of Community Development to approve <br />earlier construction "start times" or later "stop times" only for specific construction activities (e.g., <br />concrete pouring) if it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Director of Community <br />Development that the expanded construction hours are necessary (e.g., the concrete <br />foundations need to be poured early due to weather conditions). Construction equipment would <br />be required to meet Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) noise standards and be equipped with <br />muffling devices. <br />Vibration <br />The General Plan requires that the project demonstrate that it would be compatible with the <br />vibration impact criteria established by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Potential <br />vibration was analyzed in the noise study, with the consultant recommending that the new <br />townhomes be structurally reinforced or require trenching in order to meet the FTA criteria. The <br />structural design will be determined with the building permit based on the analyses provided by <br />the applicant's consultants including the architect, soils engineer, structural engineer, and noise <br />consultant subject to City review and approval. A condition of approval has been added to <br />address this requirement. Staff has included the noise and vibration study as Exhibit F. <br />PROJECT ALTERNATIVES <br />The applicant has proposed several conceptual site plans over the last 11 months prior to <br />finalizing a development plan that addressed feedback from staff, the Commission, and the <br />public. Figures 4 -6 are three previously - proposed layouts. <br />P16 -1201, PUD -120, & TRACT 8326 Planning Commission <br />23 of 32 <br />