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of the site, staff does not believe that the number of trees being planted (six) would mitigate the <br />removal of the existing on- and off -site trees. Therefore, staff's recommendation is to have the <br />applicant pay into the City's Urban Forestry .Fund the value of all trees that are proposed for <br />removal. <br />A Vesting Tentative Map application has also been submitted to subdivide the existing three <br />parcels, totaling approximately 31,798 square feet in area, into 12 new lots (one for the existing <br />home and detached garage, one for each of the 10 new attached townhomes, and a common <br />parcel for the driveway, guest parking, and shared landscaping areas. The subdivision would <br />also include the creation of Parcel A, an approximately 6,703- square -foot common area parcel, <br />for the private driveway with guest parking and stormwater treatment areas. The Vesting <br />Tentative Map is subject to review and action by the Planning Commission. <br />ANALYSIS <br />Land Use <br />General Plan and Downtown Specific Plan <br />The proposed density complies with the site's General Plan and Downtown Specific Plan land <br />use designations of High Density Residential, which require projects to have greater than <br />8 dwelling units per gross acre (du /ac). The subject site has a density of 15 du /ac and, <br />therefore meets the minimum density required by the High Density land use designations. The <br />site would be rezoned to from Multi - Family Residential to Planned Unit Development - High <br />Density Residential District. The rezoning would be consistent with the Land Use Designations <br />of the General Plan and Downtown Specific Plan. The General Plan encourages the use of <br />PUDs for residential properties that have unique characteristics or to accommodate <br />development that does not fit under standard zoning classifications. In this case, the site <br />contains a historic residence that would be relocated on -site — a unique characteristic. Staff <br />notes that the General Plan does not require High Density Residential designated properties to <br />provide public amenities, such as the dedication of parkland or open space. <br />As described below, the proposal will further the following General Plan Land Use Element and <br />Housing Element, and Downtown Specific Plan goals, policies, and programs: <br />General Plan - Land Use Element <br />Sustainability <br />Program 2.1: Reduce the need for vehicular traffic by locating employment, residential, <br />and service activities close together, and plan development so it is easily accessible by <br />transit, bicycle, and on foot. <br />Program 2.2: Encourage the reuse of vacant and underutilized parcels and buildings <br />within existing urban areas. <br />Program 2.3: Require transit - compatible development near BART stations, along <br />transportation corridors, in business parks and the Downtown, and at other activity <br />centers, where feasible. <br />Overall Community Development <br />Goal 2: Achieve and maintain a complete well- rounded community of desirable <br />neighborhoods, a strong employment base, and a variety of community facilities. <br />P16 -1201, PUD -120, & TRACT 8326 Planning Commission <br />12 of 32 <br />