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Carey: Could I just say, I talked to him because he's the neighbor. He, I think in fairness, he <br /> had a couple of ideas going on and he did a workshop and when he came to the Planning <br /> Commission, I don't know if he had a 40-foot one or not, but he had a three-story one, a two- <br /> story one, so he had two or three different plans and so his zoning district is 40 feet next door. <br /> You can have a 10-plex next door at 40 feet. Here we're only zoned 0 so it's a little mixed <br /> match on our zoning and specific plan mixes, but I don't think they wanted to see 40 feet <br /> because we don't have 40 feet except for the Rose Hotel and buildings on Main, but I think the <br /> Planning Commission—because I read the minutes too and I wasn't there for the workshop— <br /> he had two or three ideas and he told me on the phone, "I love your project. It looks great. <br /> Pretty much I'm going to vent that I didn't get what I wanted." I think he did but I think he didn't <br /> have his plans lined up. He had three options and I think you guys blended it into one. <br /> Chair Ritter: Yes, we had that before you were on the Commission, so, thank you. I think staff <br /> could answer more. Great, thank you Mr. Carey. So we'll close the public hearing and we'll <br /> bring it back to the Commission. <br /> THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br /> Chair Ritter: This is a workshop so no decisions are made. We're just exploring ideas. We're <br /> going to answer these questions. Could you please, before we go through these, just explain <br /> what makes this a workshop? I always ask this question. Why did we have to go through a <br /> workshop for the record? <br /> Weinstein: So all major downtown projects involving new construction go through workshops <br /> and all projects involving legislative changes throughout the city, like changes in General Plan <br /> land use designation or zoning go through workshops. <br /> Chair Ritter: Great, all right. <br /> Commissioner Balch: I apologize, but one other quick question I wanted to bring up is, has <br /> staff had a proposal to adjust resident one to a mixed use building as well? <br /> Amos: In this slide? <br /> Commissioner Balch: Yes. <br /> Amos: So we did have conversations with the applicant about that being an alternative as well. <br /> Commissioner Balch: How did that go over? <br /> Amos: We're presenting the project before you with one mixed use building. <br /> Commissioner Balch: Okay, my question to this is wouldn't this mixed use then increase the <br /> parking requirement significantly? <br /> Amos: It could, depending on the square footage you have on the ground floor. <br /> Commissioner Balch: Presumably, you'd almost do the exact same square footage and you <br /> have nine and you already had two, so you need seven more in-lieu. <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 25, 2016 Page 9 of 22 <br />