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Commissioner Nagler: Retail, mixed use, residential, potentially a small movie theater, <br /> restaurants, entertainment. <br /> Commissioner Allen: So we don't know. I mean if it's retail then do we want to turn property <br /> across the street which is office into residential or is it better to consider it for retail? I mean, <br /> we don't know which way it's going to go. <br /> Commissioner Nagler: No, we don't have any idea. <br /> Commissioner Allen: Do you know in terms of where it's going? <br /> Commissioner Balch: We'll keep it to this item. <br /> Chair Ritter: Okay, so let's hear from the applicant. We have Mike Carey and after that we <br /> have a speaker card from Tim Ward. <br /> THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br /> Mike Carey — Applicant: Tim is the architect so he can kind of jump in with me. Thanks <br /> everybody. Staff has been awesome to work with. Tim designed the Starbuck's downtown so <br /> we're really excited to work with him because he has some great ideas and concepts on mixed <br /> use and he's done a lot of projects in Lafayette and kind of all of the surrounding towns. <br /> We're super excited from where we started and how we evolved. We started with Gerry and <br /> we started out with live/work on site. We brought in three live/work units and I believe two or <br /> three houses? <br /> Tim Ward: Two. <br /> Carey: The live/work was a great idea but we kind of explored and we talked to Gerry and we <br /> figured they'd probably move into the units and never work there. We were ahead of ourselves <br /> and we are not quite Berkeley and all that, but we started with that a little bit. And then we <br /> started changing the plans. Tim came up with studios on top which I thought was a great idea <br /> because everybody's looking to downsize, looking for smaller units, cheaper units, the <br /> affordability in towns and we're trying to play with what staff wanted which was office, office, <br /> office. It's zoned office, and I'll fall back on that discussion about the zoning and how that kind <br /> of feel fits in or not. <br /> So we designed everything and Tim came up with the office building of 900 square feet on the <br /> bottom with the three units on top and three houses. <br /> We do have two separate driveways so we don't have to make any curb cuts or lose any street <br /> parking. There's an Augustine entrance which would enter for the office and the three studios <br /> and there's an Old Bernal entrance which would enter for the three houses. We also stepped <br /> the houses away from the other house. The driveway on the west side is bordering the house. <br /> The neighbors like that. The house is sort of away from them. Then he kind of clustered the <br /> houses. <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 25, 2016 Page 5 of 22 <br />