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The project site is in a developed area of the City and would not involve the extension of any <br /> new public streets. The flat urban infill site has no significant physical landscape features and <br /> is appropriate for redevelopment. Development of the site complements the natural terrain by <br /> making only minor changes as necessary to the site's existing, developable, relatively flat <br /> topography. The proposed buildings will be compatible in size and scale with surrounding <br /> structures and new landscaping would be installed. Therefore, staff believes that this finding <br /> can be made. <br /> 6. Whether adequate public safety measures have been incorporated into the design of <br /> the plan: <br /> The improvements associated with the project would be consistent with City design standards. <br /> The driveway entrances are located and configured to provide adequate line-of-sight viewing <br /> distance in both directions, and to facilitate efficient ingress/egress to and from the subject <br /> parcel. Adequate access is provided to all structures for police, fire, and other emergency <br /> vehicles. Buildings are designed to meet the requirements of the California Building Code and <br /> other applicable City codes and all new buildings would be equipped with automatic fire <br /> suppression systems (sprinklers). <br /> Although the site is not located within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone, it would be <br /> subject to seismic shaking during an earthquake. The State of California provides minimum <br /> standards for building design through the California Building Standards Code. The California <br /> Uniform Building Code is based on the UBC and has been modified for Califomia conditions <br /> with more detailed and/or stringent regulations. Specific seismic safety requirements are set <br /> forth in Chapter 23 of the UBC. The State earthquake protection law requires that buildings be <br /> designed to resist stresses produced by lateral forces caused by earthquakes. The City <br /> implements the requirements of the California Building Code through its building permit <br /> process. The proposed project will be required to comply with the applicable codes and <br /> standards to provide earthquake resistant design to meet or exceed the current seismic <br /> requirements. A site specific soils analysis would be conducted in conjunction with the building <br /> permit review. <br /> Therefore, staff believes that the plans have been designed to incorporate adequate public <br /> safety measures. <br /> 7. Whether the plan conforms to the purposes of the PUD district: <br /> The proposed PUD development plan conforms to the purposes of the PUD district. One of <br /> these purposes is to ensure that the desires of the developer and the community are <br /> understood and approved prior to commencement of construction. Another is to provide a <br /> mechanism whereby the City can designate parcels and areas requiring special consideration <br /> regarding the manner in which development occurs. Staff believes that the proposed project <br /> implements the purposes of the PUD ordinance in this case by providing an in-fill, mixed-use <br /> development that is well-designed and sited on the subject site, and that meets the intent of <br /> the City's General Plan goals and policies, including those which promote in-fill, residential <br /> housing and encourage the development of commercial uses within the Downtown. <br /> PUD-118, 4791 Augustine Street Planning Commission <br /> Page 24 of 25 <br />