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commercial and residential parts of Downtown. Furthermore, the incorporation of commercial <br /> space within Residence 1 would further bring the project in compliance with the General Plan <br /> and Specific Plan Programs and Policies. In addition, the project would also be consistent with <br /> the General Plan and Downtown Specific Plan in that it would result in the development of new <br /> housing in infill and peripheral areas which are adjacent to existing residential development, <br /> near transportation hubs, and local-serving commercial areas. The project also provides a <br /> variety of housing sizes, types, densities, designs, and prices which meet the existing and <br /> projected needs of all economic segments of the community. <br /> The proposed project is located near public transportation, within proximity to the services and <br /> amenities of the Downtown area, and is located in an area already developed with adequately- <br /> sized infrastructure. Staff concludes that the proposed development plan is consistent with the <br /> City's General Plan and Downtown Specific Plan, and staff believes that this finding can be <br /> made. <br /> 3. Whether the plan is compatible with previously developed properties in the vicinity <br /> and the natural, topographic features of the site: <br /> The project site is surrounded by a variety of uses: single-family homes, apartments, offices, <br /> and the civic center. As conditioned, staff believes that the mixed-use proposal would be <br /> compatible with the surrounding uses. The buildings have been sited to minimize impacts on <br /> surrounding neighbors to the extent feasible and have been designed to reduce their perceived <br /> mass and not overpower the site. New landscaping would be installed throughout the site and <br /> perimeter to soften the buildings from off-site views. The subject site has relatively flat terrain <br /> and grading conducted on the site will be subject to engineering and building standards prior to <br /> any development. <br /> Staff believes that the PUD development plans are compatible with the previously developed <br /> properties and the natural, topographic features of the site, and therefore, staff believes that <br /> this finding could be made. <br /> 4. Whether grading takes into account environmental characteristics and is designed <br /> and keeping with the best engineering practices to avoid erosion, slides, or flooding <br /> to have as minimal an effect upon the environment as possible: <br /> Grading of the site would be limited due to the existing flat terrain of the site. City building <br /> code requirements would ensure that building foundations, on-site driveways, and parking <br /> areas are constructed on properly prepared surfaces. The proposed development would <br /> provide adequate drainage to prevent flooding. Erosion control and dust suppression <br /> measures will be documented in the building permit plans and will be administered by the <br /> City's Building and Safety Division and Engineering Department. The site is not located within <br /> an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone. The flood hazard maps of the Federal Emergency <br /> Management Agency (FEMA) indicate that the subject property is not located in a flood hazard <br /> zone. Therefore, staff believes that this finding can be made. <br /> 5. Whether streets and buildings have been designed and located to complement the <br /> natural terrain and landscape: <br /> PUD-118, 4791 Augustine Street Planning Commission <br /> Page 23 of 25 <br />