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In order to meet the General Plan noise standards, the following noise reduction measures <br /> would need to be incorporated into the project: <br /> • Install a 6-foot tall acoustically effective barrier along the west and north portion of the <br /> site. <br /> • Install windows and exterior doors with Sound Transmission Class (STC) ratings of 28 <br /> to 42, depending on floor level and occupancy of the room/area. <br /> • Provide forced air mechanical ventilation (e.g., air conditioning) in all residential units so <br /> that windows and doors may be closed at the discretion of the occupants to control <br /> noise. <br /> Staff notes that the above measures would address train engine/wheel noise but exclude <br /> mitigation for train horns, which may require mitigations that are infeasible and/or unacceptable <br /> from a design and neighborhood impact standpoint (e.g., tall sound walls). The General Plan <br /> indicates the City Council will evaluate the requirement to achieve the General Plan noise <br /> standards in the Downtown on a case-by-case basis. Staff believes that a condition of <br /> approval requiring disclosure of frequent train whistle noise is sufficient. <br /> Noise Impacts on Adjacent Properties <br /> The development of the property will generate added urban noise, such as traffic and <br /> landscape maintenance activities. However, noise levels are not expected to change <br /> substantially from those currently experienced in the area because overall activity levels at the <br /> site would be modest. Ambient noise levels could decrease for some of the adjacent <br /> properties due to the shielding of traffic noise by the proposed buildings. <br /> Short-term construction noise would be generated during any new construction on this site. <br /> The City normally allows construction hours from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through <br /> Friday, with Saturday construction allowed if nearby residents are unlikely to be impacted by <br /> construction noise or activities. Since there are existing residences directly adjacent to the <br /> proposed project site, staff is recommending that Saturday construction not be allowed. Staff <br /> is recommending a condition that would allow the Director of Community Development to <br /> approve earlier construction "start times" or later "stop times" only for specific construction <br /> activities (e.g., concrete pouring) if it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Director of <br /> Community Development that the expanded construction hours are necessary (e.g., the <br /> concrete foundations need to be poured early due to weather conditions). Construction <br /> equipment would be required to meet Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) noise standards <br /> and be equipped with muffling devices. <br /> Vibration <br /> The General Plan requires that the project demonstrate that it would be compatible with the <br /> vibration impact criteria established by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The buildings <br /> may need to have spread foundation footings or post/beam foundations, resulting in a raised <br /> first floor with a "crawl" space underneath the floor, instead of slab on-grade foundations in <br /> order to meet the FTA criteria. <br /> PUD-118, 4791 Augustine Street Planning Commission <br /> Page 21 of 25 <br />