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ACE train station, located on Pleasanton Avenue, and Wheels bus stop along Old Bernal <br /> Avenue). In addition, shared parking has other benefits—including the potential to reduce <br /> housing costs, enhance urban design, and make more effective use of scarce Downtown land. <br /> Given these reasons, the Commission could recommend that the proposed six on-site parking <br /> spaces, in-lieu of the nine parking spaces required by the PMC, would provide sufficient <br /> parking for the mixed-use building. As noted above, staff does not believe that the new office <br /> space in Residence 1 would require additional parking spaces because of its limited size (it <br /> would comprise approximately 180 square feet of interior space) and potential to be used as a <br /> space ancillary to the primary residential use in Residence 1, at least in the short-term (in <br /> advance of potential new development on the Civic Center site). Furthermore, the MU spaces <br /> noted in Residences 2 and 3 are not separate from the residence, such as Residence 1 would <br /> be as conditioned, and would likely only be utilized by the resident of the home. Therefore, <br /> staff believes that additional parking would not be required. <br /> Guest Parking <br /> Detached, single-family homes are not required to provide guest parking. Guest parking for <br /> apartments is required at a ratio of one parking space per seven units. Since there are only <br /> three apartment units, the PMC does not require on-site guest parking. <br /> Tree Removal <br /> The applicant is proposing to remove four of the six trees on-site, one of which is a heritage- <br /> sized tree (as defined by the Municipal Code) to accommodate the proposed development. <br /> The City's Landscape Architect, Matt Gruber, reviewed the tree report for the proposed <br /> development and conducted a site visit to the subject property to confirm the information in the <br /> tree report. Mr. Gruber agrees with the estimated value of the trees, the health observations <br /> and other conclusions regarding the on-site trees. Mr. Gruber's professional opinion is that the <br /> two remaining on-site heritage-size trees, proposed for retention, may not survive construction. <br /> Redesigning the project to avoid impacts to the two heritage trees proposed for retention would <br /> require a substantial redesign of the project and may compromise some of the key design <br /> objectives of the project (e.g., creating a strong building presence along Old Bernal Avenue, <br /> with parking generally located in the back of the site). To mitigate tree removal, the applicant <br /> will be required to remit the full appraised value of the four trees proposed to be removed. A <br /> bond, or other financial security acceptable to the City, will be required for the full appraised <br /> value of the two heritage trees proposed to be retained. The bond, or other financial security, <br /> will be retained for no less than two years after project completion to ensure the survival of the <br /> two heritage trees to be preserved. A condition of approval has been added to reflect these <br /> requirements. <br /> Noise and Vibration <br /> External noise sources that could affect the site include noise from the railroad to the west and <br /> traffic on Old Bernal Avenue. For single-family housing projects, the City's General Plan <br /> requires that private yard areas excluding front yards not exceed 60 day/night average <br /> decibels (dB Ldn) and that indoor noise levels not exceed 45 dB Ldn. In addition, if the noise <br /> source is a railroad, an exterior noise level up to 70 dB Ldn is allowed and indoor noise levels <br /> cannot exceed a maximum instantaneous noise level (Lmax) of 50 dB in bedrooms and 55 dB <br /> in other rooms. <br /> PUD-118, 4791 Augustine Street Planning Commission <br /> Page 20 of 25 <br />