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At the May 25, 2016, Work Session, the Planning Commission was generally supportive of <br /> providing office/retail square-footage space in Residence 1 as long as it was viable and <br /> generates the level of street activity that is desired in the Downtown and would not create the <br /> need to provide additional parking spaces on-site. Should Residence 1 be designed per staffs <br /> comments above, the proposed project would be consistent with the General Plan Land Use <br /> Policies and Programs listed below, as the project would: (1) introduce more activity to the <br /> subject site with a new office/retail use; and (2) introduce a mixed-use project in the Downtown <br /> that would create a transition between commercial and residential areas. Staff does not <br /> believe that the new office space in Residence 1 would require additional parking spaces <br /> because of its limited size (it would comprise approximately 180 square feet of interior space) <br /> and potential to be used as a space ancillary to the primary residential use in Residence 1, at <br /> least in the short-term (in advance of potential new development on the Civic Center site). <br /> The proposed project, as revised per staffs recommendation, would be consistent with the <br /> following General Plan Land Use Element and Housing Element, and Downtown Specific Plan <br /> goals, policies, and/or programs: <br /> General Plan -Land Use Element <br /> Sustainability <br /> Program 2.1: Reduce the need for vehicular traffic by locating employment, residential, <br /> and service activities close together, and plan development so it is easily <br /> accessible by transit, bicycle, and on foot. <br /> Program 2.3: Require transit-compatible development near BART stations, along <br /> transportation corridors, in business parks and the Downtown, and at <br /> other activity centers, where feasible. <br /> Overall Community Development <br /> Policy 4: Allow development consistent with the General Plan Land Use Map. <br /> Special Interest Areas <br /> Policy 7: Continue to implement adopted specific plans along with relevant <br /> rezoning. <br /> Residential <br /> Policy 9: Develop new housing in infill and peripheral areas which are adjacent to <br /> existing residential development, near transportation hubs or local-serving <br /> commercial areas. <br /> Policy 10: Provide flexibility in residential development standards and housing type <br /> consistent with the desired community character. <br /> Program 10.1: Use planned unit development (PUD) zoning for residential properties that <br /> have unique characteristics or to accommodate development that does <br /> not fit under standard zoning classifications. <br /> PUD-118, 4791 Augustine Street Planning Commission <br /> Page 13 of 25 <br />