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Amos: Can I make a clarification on this please? If you're asking for story poles, you're <br /> asking for each building? Or is it just for the mixed use building? <br /> Commissioner Allen: I think all of them. <br /> Chair Ritter: I think just number one. It's a corner. <br /> Commissioner Balch: Why did you ask for clarification? Why don't we do, doubling the <br /> mixed use. I think we're all there on the mixed use. What about Residence 1 as well? <br /> So that way the 2 nearest the street, the biggest impacts? <br /> Commissioner Nagler: Okay how about that. That'd be great. <br /> Commissioner Balch moved to forward Case PUD-118 to the City Council with a <br /> recommendation for approval by making the findings in the staff report and with <br /> the following modifications to the Conditions of Approval: (1) remove the words <br /> "unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer" from Condition No. 83; (2) add <br /> a condition to substitute the metal siding for a different material at the discretion <br /> of the Director of Community Development; (3) add a condition to relocate the <br /> curb cut to add one additional parking space onsite, in conjunction with tree <br /> protection measures identified by an arborist; and (4) add a condition to change <br /> the bathroom in Residence 1 to a two-piece or shower configuration instead of <br /> tub. The Planning Commission also strongly recommended the applicant install <br /> story poles prior to the City Council hearing. <br /> Commissioner Nagler seconded the motion. <br /> ROLL CALL VOTE: <br /> AYES: Commissioners Balch, Nagler, Ritter <br /> NOES: Commissioner Allen <br /> ABSTAIN: None <br /> RECUSED: None <br /> ABSENT: Commissioners Brown and O'Connor <br /> Resolution No. PC-2016-22 approving Case PUD-118, was entered and adopted as <br /> motioned. <br /> EXCERPT: DRAFT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, July 13, 2016 Page 21 of 21 <br />