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precautions. So I would suggest having a plan in place for the construction and for the <br /> materials that are used to make sure we give the tree every opportunity, and there is no <br /> guarantee that the tree will survive, but working with the landscape architect here at the <br /> City and with the professional from the applicant's side, I think we can come up with a <br /> plan that gives both trees the best chance of surviving. <br /> Commissioner Balch: And I also want to mention I'll bring it up that Condition 93 gives <br /> the discretion of the City Engineer to require water meters for each lot and we're going <br /> to make that mandatory and not discretionary to the direction of the City Engineer. <br /> Chair Ritter: Don't we normally use that? <br /> Commissioner Balch: We do but it gives discretion and you take it away. Okay, so how <br /> do we condition that the story poles will be added before it goes to Council for their <br /> consent or approval? <br /> Weinstein: Just add the condition. We have a month before Council so it seems like <br /> that's sufficient for story poles? <br /> Carey: We also had the discussion about the photo montage that we did before that that <br /> was another option; it's the virtual flyover. <br /> Commissioner Balch: I think though at this point, I will speak for me, but for me it <br /> sounds like there's enough interest from neighbors that the story poles will be <br /> something that we should do. <br /> Chair Ritter: It helps the neighbors. <br /> Commissioner Balch: I'll start with that and before I make the motion, I want to say that <br /> the conversation about keeping the house that was on the lot versus not, that <br /> conversation was held during a workshop pretty extensively and that's probably why it <br /> wasn't mentioned here so much. I will tell you from my quick read, the house is in <br /> disrepair and I personally, based on the reports that were generated, you know, I <br /> apologize that this is a turning page in the City's history as something of personal <br /> significance to you, but the report shows it has no citywide historical value. I hate to say <br /> that. <br /> Commissioner Nagler: It's on a personal level, but not citywide. <br /> Commissioner Balch: Yeah, so that was discussed and I saw it from my notes here as a <br /> comment for the speaker. So I just wanted to mention. <br /> Beaudin: We'd like to make the story poles a recommendation from the Commission <br /> rather than conditional approval because it's not the project per se, it's a procedural <br /> issue. So what we'd like to suggest is that the Commission make that strong request to <br /> the applicant to install those story poles prior to the City Council so that they have that <br /> information and then the conditions would be the other things we've already talked <br /> about. <br /> EXCERPT: DRAFT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, July 13, 2016 Page 20 of 21 <br />