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Beaudin: ...or could be in the middle of the street in some cases. In really old parts of <br /> town, sometimes the property line is in completely the wrong place relative to where <br /> somebody wants to do development, so it's a situation we often have to deal with and <br /> we'll often adjust things if they're in the wrong place when we have development <br /> applications but we always go, it's a measurement from the property line unless it <br /> clearly says in the code or in the PUD that it's measured from the back of sidewalk. <br /> Commissioner Allen: And Mike and I looked at the property line today. I saw the <br /> property line and I know exactly where it is that I'm talking about the one foot <br /> measurement from. So just know that I'm talking about reality. This is for a bigger topic <br /> later, but it does point to kind of the importance of story poles or something to really <br /> help us get at what this animal or whatever it is that we're envisioning building really is <br /> and how it fits in the neighborhood because absent that we're kind of all having different <br /> assumptions about what it is. <br /> Chair Ritter: Well, I want to go back to what Commissioner Nagler said. You know, we <br /> spent a lot of time at the workshop and we suggested a bunch of things and the <br /> applicant came back and actually listened to us in my opinion and did a lot of what we <br /> asked. The other thing I'm haunted by is that I see that office space for lease sign that's <br /> a permanent sign and I just think it's silly that this is an office zone and you've got a <br /> space for lease that's a permanent rental space for office and we can't even find tenants <br /> for so long they made a permanent sign out of it, so I am in favor of what they're doing <br /> here with the redesign. The siding; I agree with Commissioner Allen on the metal. There <br /> are options I think. You can have things that are metal that don't look like metal so I <br /> think that was a good point. The setbacks, if you drive down Augustine, there's some <br /> other residences along that street that are real close to the road, so I don't think it's out <br /> of place the way staff and the applicant have put it together on the corner there, and as <br /> far as parking, I'm always in favor of more parking on your own property. If you can get <br /> parking on your own property and make it work, if we can get an extra space, I would be <br /> in favor of shifting without losing space on the street. <br /> As far as story poles, I'm struggling on that one because usually we use those to show <br /> neighbors where hillside views are and a lot of times it's just to help out the <br /> neighborhood to understand it, especially if it's an infill. This is on the corner of a busier <br /> street, so I'm indifferent on the story poles on this one because they're all still within the <br /> limits. They're not going above what the code says and it is on a corner so that makes <br /> me feel to not make it such a demand. <br /> Commissioner Balch: I actually think I'm probably a little closer with Commissioner Allen <br /> on the story poles. I think we probably should have put them up. I personally would like <br /> to see them up before the Council if we're as a body supporting that as staffs <br /> recommendation. One of the things with the parking for me is that I really like the <br /> concept of what you're doing here with the micro-units/lofts. The floor plan of the mixed <br /> building with the second and third floor and the loft on that, you know, it's not like the <br /> third floor is the same floor size or plan as the ground floor, right. It's obviously tapered, <br /> but even much more so because it's only a loft. It's truly just a little bedroom up there <br /> and so with the pitch and stuff. I greatly appreciate the massing comment and <br /> conversation because I think that is important to keep in mind. I will tell you that hearing <br /> this, I would struggle immensely on how do you get adjoining zonings well designed, <br /> EXCERPT: DRAFT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, July 13, 2016 Page 16 of 21 <br />