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Mike Carey January 26,2016 <br /> Historic Resource Evaluation: 4791 Augustine St.,Pleasanton,CA Page 9 <br /> Historic Integrity <br /> The building has undergone substantial additions and alterations impacting its historic integrity. An <br /> evaluation of the seven aspects of integrity appears below: <br /> • Location. The residence remains in its original location on the site and has integrity of location. <br /> • Setting. The residence is in its original setting among residences on the western edge of <br /> downtown Pleasanton. New construction in the vicinity, including the City of Pleasanton's <br /> administrative buildings, have altered the property's original setting somewhat. But, the <br /> building retains integrity of setting. <br /> • Design. The building has lost nearly all integrity of original design as a Vernacular Queen Ann- <br /> style residence due to the front porch addition, rear addition and right side addition. The <br /> residence no longer retains integrity of design. <br /> • Materials. The residence retains minimal integrity of materials because of the poorly <br /> constructed additions to its primary elevations. <br /> • Workmanship. The building retains minimal integrity of workmanship, given the alterations <br /> made to the Vernacular residence that have obscured the original design. <br /> • Feeling. The building retains minimal integrity of feeling as a Vernacular residence because of <br /> the building modifications. <br /> • Association. The building retains minimal integrity of association as a Vernacular residence <br /> because of the building modifications. <br /> Conclusion <br /> In conclusion, the property at 4791 Augustine Street is not eligible for individual listing on the <br /> National Register of Historic Places or California Register of Historical Resources because it does <br /> not have any associations with significant events or significant persons. The substantial alterations <br /> to the residence have removed considerable historic integrity from the residence making the <br /> property ineligible for inclusion on either the National or California registers as a distinctive <br /> example of a type, method or period of construction. <br /> Please contact me if you have any questions about this evaluation. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Seth A. Bergstein, Principal <br /> cc: City of Pleasanton Planning Department <br />