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Balch: So in theory, if history holds true, reducing the number of homes will probably <br /> mean the homes come back a little bit bigger. So assuming that, generally I would like <br /> to see rural homes maintain a single level which the applicant has done. 1 think the <br /> massing is fine. I noted as he presented that one was going to be 30 feet and the rest <br /> were going to be around 24-26 feet. I think all of that works from what I get and the <br /> screening that's there. So I have no problem with that. Personally, I think the renderings <br /> look really nice. The colors blend and so I'm supportive of actually what the applicant <br /> has designed and hope they can keep the general design as they look to redesign the <br /> project. <br /> Nagler: Ditto. <br /> O'Connor: I will ditto with the addition that I do expect that if it is three homes they could <br /> be larger and if that helps the church; and I don't know who's building them or what's <br /> being sold as, but if that helps in getting more revenue for the church, I'm all for that too. <br /> There's plenty of room to do a larger home than what we have if there's three. <br /> Allen: And ditto for me on all of the comments of fellow Commissioners. <br /> Nagler: And if I could add, I didn't say but it really is an interesting point that the homes <br /> could be larger and the applicant could accept it. <br /> O'Connor: I would like to see them single stories. <br /> Nagler: Yes, single stories. I agree with that; the rural look. <br /> Ritter: Yes, the rural look. The ranch look. All right, 4b.: <br /> A visual analysis with photomontages will be required if the project moves forward. Are <br /> there any specific viewpoints that should be analyzed? <br /> Nagler: I don't know. I think every possible view from every possible angle so that we <br /> can get a sense of it. <br /> Balch: So I think one of the views or two that we need are specifically from the center <br /> point of Dublin Canyon Road looking at the site both on kind of the western and eastern <br /> side so that you're basically looking around the bend if you will up and down the street, <br /> and I don't know if I'm describing that appropriately, but you know we kind of want to <br /> see the rendering showing that the look while driving up or down the road is going to be <br /> the rural look. I have to say, if you look to the south and you see the Preserve <br /> Community Association's green lawn entrance to their driveway, it really doesn't look <br /> rural to me in the City of Pleasanton. That being said, nor does the higher density stuff <br /> slightly more to the west. Perhaps it's not a rural look. It doesn't grow in California <br /> naturally by the way. So, that being said, that's one viewpoint. The second viewpoint is <br /> obviously a straight shot, I'll call it across the view from, I believe, Ms. Young's property <br /> would be my read. <br /> Allen: So I agree with Commissioner Balch and just the only add would be a bicyclist's <br /> view which I think is your point about just the view from someone driving down. But that <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 13, 2016 Page 18 of 22 <br />