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Nagler: I agree with you. I think there should be only one access point to the homes off <br /> of Dublin Canyon Road. And I don't think those sitting here know if the plan is for three <br /> houses how that could be configured, but it is totally configurable. So I think as <br /> guidance, I would like the Commission to say there needs to be one access road. <br /> Allen: And I'm in complete agreement with one access road and the road should be as <br /> far back as possible; the entrance way, and not next to a frontage kind of road. <br /> Ritter: Let's next go to landscaping: <br /> Is the proposed landscaping and planter depth along Dublin Canyon Road appropriate? <br /> Allen: Okay, so I think we should keep the trees on the front and not have the sidewalk <br /> so we can retain the trees as screening to the homes and I think that's really critical. <br /> And I would like to see, if we have three homes, I would like to see more trees put in the <br /> middle section of this property where it's pretty barren on Dublin Canyon Road right now <br /> to create even more screening; some trees that would grow large because you know <br /> that section in the middle? It's like you can see everything there. It's the corners that are <br /> really protected and screened, especially the western corner, so I'd like to see even <br /> more screening. <br /> O'Connor: So I had originally thought no because I thought all the trees were coming <br /> out, but if we can meander the sidewalk so we can maintain those trees, then I'm okay <br /> with it adding some additional screening as well. <br /> Balch: Yeah, I don't know. I'm thinking of what they're saying but in light of the question, <br /> it's kind of like we've gone into a tangent. <br /> Ritter: We're on number 3. <br /> Balch: No, I see it right in front of me too, that's the whole problem. In terms of the trees <br /> I think this is a different issue now because we're talking about the existing oak trees <br /> and removing heritage trees and the meandering sidewalk element and not so much the <br /> question of the crepe myrtles and the 20-foot setback because I know we kind of <br /> addressed it, so I'll just start with that. <br /> Ritter: I'm in favor of keeping it as natural as we can too. So I'll just go onto 4a.: <br /> Does the Planning Commission support the proposed building setbacks, building <br /> positioning, home designs, massing, number of stories, heights, and colors and <br /> materials? <br /> Ritter: I like keeping the setback away from Dublin Canyon Road, as close to the creek <br /> without interfering with that positioning. I like the design layout. It looks fairly elegant I <br /> think for a country setting. I know the neighbor across the street has expressed to the <br /> applicant to copy it or keep something similar which I think is a compliment. The number <br /> PP PY P 9 P <br /> of stories-I think it is appropriate what he has proposed, so I'm pretty easy on that one. <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 13, 2016 Page 17 of 22 <br />