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Hagen: Right here is the creek setback line. On this diagram the red line is the top of <br /> the bank. So the creek would run just north of the red line that goes through here. <br /> O'Connor: Sol guess 1 m more concerned with where from ess e e it goes o here. Does it come <br /> 9 <br /> 9 <br /> down Dublin Canyon Road? <br /> Hagen: It goes across the adjacent properties and then crosses underneath Dublin <br /> Canyon Road. <br /> O'Connor: So it goes across their property.... <br /> Hagen: Yes, it's right there. So it comes over here and runs along the frontage there <br /> 9 9 9 9 <br /> and there's actually a little bridge right here where it crosses underneath Dublin Canyon <br /> and then it goes this way. So it crosses on their other part of Pleasant View Church. <br /> Ritter: Okay, questions for staff and then maybe we'll just go down the list and give us a <br /> bullet so we can get something concise for staff and the applicant to get some <br /> feedback. They're going to come back with something. The first question is: <br /> Does the Commission support a General Plan Land Use Amendment to increase the <br /> density of the subject parcel? <br /> Allen: I don't think there should be more than 2-3 homes on the parcel and I spent quite <br /> a while biking over there today and as I think about the country setting and what we <br /> want to preserve, I just think that's the maximum. Secondly, to do it, what I would like is <br /> to do it with the General Plan. I'd like to have the homes done in a way towards the <br /> General Plan that we have and what's been in place and has been validated over the <br /> years. To me what that means is that the subdividing would be different. So the church <br /> might have 1 '/2 or 2 acres, let's call it 1 1/2 acres that they would keep and then the rest <br /> of the property would be subdivided in some way that it would go with the homes. And <br /> my reason for wanting to do it that way is I think about Centerpoint Church and the <br /> Ponderosa project that we all encountered a few months ago, and we all know that <br /> churches over time, financially there are challenges. I mean, who knows what will <br /> happen over time with this property and it could be that in 5-10 years the church is <br /> looking to sell the property and when they sell it, they're going to find the highest land <br /> use and to the degree we allow the subdivision as it exists today, which means there <br /> would be, what, 11 acres associated with the church. That makes it, potentially a much <br /> larger residential development if you had 11 acres. I realize that some of it is not usable, <br /> but I'm just saying it's there as a much larger project in the future for that area that we <br /> may or may not want. In contrast, if we subdivide it properly and it fits within the General <br /> Plan categories and the church only has one or two acres left, then it is what it is. That's <br /> what it is and that fits the General Plan and that would be the property they would be <br /> thinking of. So that's my reason for wanting to try to work this within the General Plan <br /> and I think if it could work in the General Plan zoning and we could still end up with two <br /> and maybe fudge and go to three homes on that site, I think that could be done in a way <br /> that preserves the country character, as well. <br /> Balch: Could I just ask a staff clarification to that? So Commissioner Allen points out <br /> that there would be a subdivision map that would grant more land, let's just say. As <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 13, 2016 Page 11 of 22 <br />