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their surroundings. Overall, staff finds that the design of the homes would complement their <br /> surroundings, including the natural setting and neighboring homes. <br /> Arborist Report and Landscape Plan <br /> An arborist report was submitted assessing the existing trees on the subject site. The report <br /> surveyed a total of 30 trees, 19 of which are heritage-sized trees. The proposed landscape <br /> plan indicates that the new decomposed granite pathway adjacent to Dublin Canyon Road will <br /> meander through the existing trees, requiring removal of five trees, one of which is heritage <br /> size (Tree 942). <br /> The proposed landscape plan indicates that along the 800-foot project frontage, four London <br /> Plane trees would be planted along with a mix of shrubs and groundcovers to fill in the areas <br /> between the existing trees Six Crape Myrtle trees would be planted at the project entry. Thirty- <br /> three other trees would be planted on the site, comprising five different species: western <br /> redbud, crape myrtle, Columbia London plane, southern live oak, and orchard trees. The <br /> proposed trees would be either 24-inch box or 15-gallon. A southern live oak would be planted <br /> in the front of each house, and crape myrtles would be planted between the Columbia London <br /> plane and southern live oak trees, adding seasonal accent colors. <br /> Staff has included a condition of approval requiring the final landscape plan to include <br /> additional planting along the project frontage to mitigate the loss of existing trees. The specific <br /> quantity and species of the additional trees would need to be shown on the final landscape <br /> plan and would be subject to review and approval by the Director of Community Development <br /> and City Landscape Architect. No turf/lawn is proposed. The a pp licant is also proposing to <br /> retain an existing well on-site located on Lot 3 to be used for landscape and irrigation purposes <br /> only. Staff finds the proposed landscape would retain the existing rural character of the area <br /> and screen the proposed development from the Dublin Canyon Road. <br /> Circulation and Dublin Canyon Road Improvements <br /> Access to the proposed development would be from a private street off of Dublin Canyon <br /> Road. The private street has a "T" design, with turn-outs and fire hydrants at each end to <br /> accommodate fire truck maneuvers. In addition, the applicant would be required to: 1) <br /> construct a six-foot-wide bicycle lane along Dublin Canyon Road; 2) construct a five-foot-wide <br /> decomposed granite path on the north side of Dublin Canyon Road; 3) construct an eastbound <br /> turn pocket on Dublin Canyon Road to access the project; 4) construct a westbound <br /> deceleration lane into the project; and 5) construct curbs and gutters on the north side of <br /> Dublin Canyon Road. Additionally, the applicant will be required to pay the required regional <br /> and local traffic fees. Staff has included conditions addressing these items. <br /> Green Building Measures <br /> The attached Green Building checklist shows that the proposed project would achieve 50 <br /> points, consistent with the City's ordinance. As conditioned, the final Green Building measures <br /> and score will be determined with the review of the building permit application. The project will <br /> also need to conform to the State of California's Green Building Standards Code, "CALGreen." <br /> Additional Assessment Reports <br /> A Biological Assessment Report, Health Risk Assessment Report and Noise Assessment <br /> Report were all prepared for the project. The assessment reports and documents are available <br /> on request or on the City website. The Biological Assessment Report and Health Risk <br /> PUD-114, 11300 Dublin Canyon Road Planning Commission <br /> Page 11 of 15 <br />