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Assessment Report each identified various measures that should be implemented to avoid <br /> impacts related to on-site biological resources and local sources of air pollution (e.g., vehicles <br /> on 1-580). These measures have been incorporated as conditions of approval. The Noise <br /> Assessment Report concluded that the interior and exterior noise exposures of the site will be <br /> within the limits of the General Plan Noise Element. In addition, the City normally allows <br /> construction to occur from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, with Saturday <br /> construction allowed if there are no nearby residents that could be affected by construction <br /> noise or activities. Since there are existing residences in close proximity of the proposed <br /> project site, staff is not recommending that Saturday construction be allowed. <br /> PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN FINDINGS <br /> The Pleasanton Municipal Code sets forth the purposes of the PUD District and the <br /> considerations to be addressed in reviewing a PUD Development Plan proposal. The Planning <br /> Commission must make the following findings that the proposed PUD Development Plan <br /> conforms to the purposes of the PUD District before making its recommendation. <br /> 1. Whether the proposed development plan is in the best interests of the public <br /> health, safety, and general welfare: <br /> The proposed project, as conditioned, meets all applicable City standards concerning <br /> public health, safety, and welfare. The subject development would include the <br /> installation of all required on-site utilities, with connections to municipal systems in order <br /> to serve the new lots. The project will not generate volumes of traffic that cannot be <br /> accommodated by existing City streets and intersections in the area. The structures <br /> would be designed to meet the requirements of the California Building Code, California <br /> Fire Code, and other applicable City codes. The proposed development is compatible <br /> with the adjacent uses and would be generally consistent with the existing scale of <br /> development and rural character of the area. Adequate setbacks would be provided <br /> between the new dwellings and adjacent properties, including Dublin Creek, and <br /> approximately 9 acres of the site would be preserved as permanent open space. This <br /> open space would help protect biological resources and the aesthetic character of the <br /> site. Therefore, staff believes that the proposed PUD development plan is in the best <br /> interests of the public health, safety, and general welfare, and that this finding can be <br /> made. <br /> 2. Whether the proposed development plan is consistent with the Pleasanton <br /> General Plan and any applicable specific plan: <br /> The proposed development includes the construction of three new residential lots on an <br /> approximately 4.3-acre portion of the 16-acre site. (The second units would not count <br /> towards the overall residential density of the site.) The proposed density of <br /> approximately one dwelling unit per 5 acres conforms to the General Plan Rural Density <br /> Residential land use designation, with the remaining agricultural parcel with Open <br /> Space conservation easement to be protected. The proposed project would promote <br /> General Plan Programs and Policies encouraging new housing to be developed in infill <br /> and peripheral areas that are adjacent to existing residential development as well as <br /> promote the creation of second units on single-family residential lots. In addition, the <br /> project would include the permanent protection of open space including riparian areas. <br /> PUD-114, 11300 Dublin Canyon Road Planning Commission <br /> Page 12 of 15 <br />