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The remaining church parcel would be approximately 11.9 acres, approximately 2 acres of <br /> which could contain existing and potential church-related future development; approximately <br /> 9 acres, including the creek and adjacent riparian area, would be preserved as permanent <br /> open space through a conservation easement. <br /> A Minor Subdivision application will be submitted to subdivide the existing site into four parcels <br /> (three residential parcels and the remaining church parcel); that application will be subject to <br /> review a n d action b y sta ff following the p r ocess i ng of the p r oposed PUD Development elopment Plan. <br /> ANALYSIS <br /> General Plan and Zoning <br /> The property currently has a General Plan land use designation of Rural Density Residential <br /> and a Zoning Designation of A (Agriculture) District. Both the General Plan and Zoning <br /> designations allow for 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres. The proposed development would have a <br /> density equivalent to one dwelling unit per 5 acres, conforming to the General Plan Land Use <br /> density requirements. Second units are not counted in residential density calculations. In <br /> addition, the General Plan encourages residential projects on land designated Rural Density <br /> Residential to be clustered on lots of one acre or larger. <br /> The General Plan also encourages the use of PUDs for residential properties that have unique <br /> characteristics or to accommodate development that does not fit under standard zoning <br /> classifications. The zoning for the project site would change from the A (Agriculture) District to <br /> the PUD-RDR (Planned Unit Development — Rural Density Residential) District for the <br /> residential lots and PUD-A-OS (Planned Unit Development —Agriculture and Open Space) <br /> District for the remaining church parcel. The 2 acre portion of the church site would be <br /> designated as Agriculture, while the remaining 11.9 acres of land would be designated as <br /> Open Space and be permanently preserved through a conservation easement. <br /> Second Dwelling Units. The proposed project which will include three detached second <br /> dwelling units which will help to implement various goals, policies and programs for the City's <br /> General Plan Housing Element that actively promote the creation of new second units. Specific <br /> goals, policies and programs from the Housing Element that will be implemented through the <br /> creation of second units within the project including the following: <br /> Goal 2: Provide residential densities capable of accommodating housing affordable to <br /> extremely low-, low- and very low-income households while taking into account the <br /> character and development pattern of the surrounding area. <br /> Policy 6: Actively promote the creation of second units on single-family residential <br /> lots and their maintenance as sources of housing affordable to moderate-, low-, and <br /> very low-income households. <br /> Program 38.2: Encourage the development of second units and shared housing <br /> in R-1 zoning districts to increase the number of housing units while preserving <br /> the visual character within existing neighborhoods of single-family detached <br /> homes. <br /> PUD-114, 11300 Dublin Canyon Road Planning Commission <br /> Page 7 of 15 <br />