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1 Project Description and Approach <br />• Aesthetics/Light and Glare. The impacts of the rezoning on aesthetic. visual, and scenic <br />resources will be evaluated, including potential loss of views and effects of increased lighting on <br />motorists and residents in the City (and. potentially, residents of Dublin. immediately across <br />Interstate 580). Policies and programs provided in the General Plan and standard City <br />requirements will be evaluated as to their effect of mitigating or avoiding any potentially <br />significant effects. Mitigation measures from the General Plan EIR and /or GPA EIR will be <br />revised for their potential to reduce impacts at the project site. Additional mitigation measures for <br />aesthetic. visual and scenic resources will be identified where necessary to reduce any significant <br />effects. <br />Visual Massing Simulations <br />ESA will team with Environmental Vision to provide visual massing simulations for the proposed <br />project in support of the Aesthetics analysis. The simulations would be completed from three <br />public viewpoints and reflect before and after images of the project site. <br />Air Qualny. The air quality analysis will focus on air quality effects primarily from increased <br />traffic, including any identified health risk effects. and will also address cumulative effects <br />relative to other reasonably anticipated development, as well as project consistency with the <br />regional air quality plan. The analysis will discuss the regional and local air quality setting. <br />ambient air monitoring data. and current air quality management efforts. The analysis will <br />identify the nearest sensitive air pollutant receptors to the rezone area — residences across <br />Stoneridge Drive, to the south. and across 1-680. to the west —and any major existing sources of <br />air pollutants, including those in the inventory data compiled by the Bay Area Air Quality <br />Management District (BAAQMD). The BAAQMD CEQA Air Quality Guidelines significance <br />criteria with regard to air quality impacts will be relied upon.' <br />The EIR analysis will discuss emissions likely to be generated during construction of subsequent <br />development projects under the zoning amendment, evaluate the potential for construction dust to <br />cause any local exceedances of ambient particulate standards. and estimate future criteria air <br />pollutant emissions from vehicular traffic and onsite stationary sources. The SEIR analysis will <br />identify. as feasible. what types and size of development would likely be of concern. Further, <br />ESA will address diesel particulate matter (DPM), a toxic air contaminant (TAC). emitted from <br />high- volume roadways and stationary sources. as well as construction equipment. that can cause <br />health risk impacts. Mitigation measures from the General Plan EIR and /or GPA EIR will be <br />revised for their potential to reduce impacts at the project site. Additional mitigation measures for <br />aesthetic. visual and scenic resources will be identified where necessary to reduce any significant <br />effects. <br />• Noise.. Project- related noise impacts could arise from the relatively high. but temporary. noise <br />levels from project construction activities and from the long -term increases in traffic volumes. <br />ESA will identify the noise - sensitive land uses or activities in the vicinity of the project site such <br />as residences across Stoneridge Drive. to the south. and roads that would receive motor vehicle <br />traffic generated by project development and assess the difference in noise levels resulting from <br />the change in traffic due to the proposed land use change. Specific tasks will include documenting <br />existing noise levels at the project site by collecting long -term and short-term noise <br />measurements at the project site and calculate Ldn or CNEL average noise levels for the site. <br />based on the noise measurements for comparison to Land Use Compatibility standards. Using the <br />Althou • the BA significance ance crit rig remain m <br />Although 6 spendcd pending o dmisitm by the Cale amia Supreme Court in a lawsuit filed by <br />the Caldurnru Building Industry ASSOC ration. these criteria are supported by substantial evidence to the form of IAAQMD•s 2009 <br />77rndudds and ramifications ae7rrr. <br />Gry of Pleasanton Johnson Dove Economy Deve/opmem Zone EU7 3 <br />