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v r <br /> changed since the project was approved. Furthermore, no new information has been <br /> identified since adoption of the prior Mitigated Negative Declaration that would indicate <br /> new or more severe significant environmental impacts. <br /> Substantial Conformity <br /> Because the modified project would have a similar land use intensity and site <br /> disturbance compared to the approved project, it is concluded that the potential <br /> environmental impacts from the modified project would be substantially similar to or <br /> reduced compared to the approved project. As such, with the implementation of <br /> mitigation measures identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration and the conditions <br /> of approval, the modified project would not result in any impacts beyond those <br /> considered in the Mitigated Negative Declaration. All impacts would continue to be less <br /> than significant or less than significant with the implementation of mitigation. Per CEQA <br /> Guidelines Sections 15164 and 15162, this memo comprises an Addendum to the <br /> previously-adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration. It shows that the changes to the <br /> previously-approved project are not substantial, that substantial changes have not <br /> occurred to the circumstances of the project, and that no new information of substantial <br /> importance has been identified. Therefore, no subsequent or supplemental Mitigated <br /> Negative Declaration is required. <br /> 5 <br />