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air quality impacts related to the modified project would continue to be less than <br /> significant with implementation of the above-noted mitigation measure. <br /> Transportation and Circulation <br /> Mitigation Measure 2 <br /> The following traffic improvements shall be constructed by the applicant/project developer prior to <br /> occupancy of the new office building: <br /> a. Foothill Road at Canyon Way Intersection <br /> The project developer shall construct a third southbound left-turn lane on Foothill Rd. (with an <br /> additional eastbound lane on Canyon Way to accommodate the new southbound left-turn traffic). <br /> b. Stoneridge Mall Road at Stoneridge Drive Intersection <br /> The project developer shall construct additional southbound left-turn storage capacity by widening the <br /> west side of Stoneridge Mall Road and realigning the roadway as generally shown in Figure 8 (the <br /> figure can be viewed in the Mitigated Negative Declaration). <br /> c. Stoneridge Mall Road at Shared BART Garage/Project Driveway <br /> The project developer shall install a traffic signal at this intersection including the necessary <br /> modifications to the Stoneridge Mall parking lot on the opposite side of the shared driveway. <br /> Similar to the approved project, the modified project would result in additional trip <br /> generation. Because the modified project includes the elimination of the southern <br /> parking garage, an increase in size of the northern parking garage, a new basement <br /> garage, and related on-site circulation changes, an updated traffic study was conducted <br /> to determine whether these revisions would change the off-site traffic mitigation required <br /> with the approved project. The updated traffic study was prepared by Fehr and Peers, <br /> acting as the City's traffic consultant. The updated traffic study determined that the prior <br /> traffic mitigation in the 2014 traffic study would adequately mitigate the traffic generated <br /> from the modified project. Therefore, the traffic impacts related to the modified project <br /> would continue to be less than significant with implementation of the above-noted <br /> mitigation measures. <br /> The updated traffic study assumed that the Workday driveway on Stoneridge Mall Road <br /> would be signalized and operated as a single intersection with the shared <br /> BART/Workday driveway given the close intersection spacing between the two <br /> driveways. Because the proposed plans do not indicate that the Workday driveway <br /> would be signalized, a condition of approval will require that this intersection be <br /> signalized by the applicant. <br /> Summary <br /> In summary, the modified project would be required to implement all of the mitigation <br /> measures identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the approved project. <br /> Implementation of these mitigation measures and applicable conditions of approval <br /> would ensure that, similar to the approved project, the modified project would not result <br /> in any impacts beyond those considered in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and all <br /> impacts would continue to be less than significant. <br /> Impacts in other typical areas (aesthetics, utilities, biological resources, etc.) wouldn't <br /> increase in severity due to the modified project. In addition, the circumstances <br /> surrounding the project (e.g., surrounding land uses, traffic, etc.) haven't substantially <br /> 4 <br />