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Comparison of Projects <br /> A comparison of the approved and modified projects is provided in the table below. <br /> Table 1: Comparison of Approved and Modified Projects <br /> Approved Project Modified Project Summary of <br /> Change <br /> Office Building: <br /> Number of Buildings 1 1 No Change <br /> Number of Stories 6 6 No Change <br /> Floor Area 430,000 sq. ft. 410,000 sq. ft. Reduction <br /> Floor Area Ratio 1.43 1.36 Reduction <br /> Height 87%ft. at parapet; 82-94 ft. at parapet; Neutral Changes <br /> 105 ft. at equipment 103 ft. at the tallest (portions of the <br /> screen equipment screen modified building <br /> are slightly taller at <br /> the parapet and the <br /> modified building is <br /> slightly lower at the <br /> roof screen) <br /> Setbacks: Neutral Changes <br /> From Stoneridge Mall Rd. property line 105 ft. 96 ft. (modified building <br /> is slightly closer to <br /> From 1-580 property line 219 ft. 243 ft. Stoneridge Mall Rd. <br /> and is slightly <br /> farther from 1-580) <br /> Parking Garage: <br /> Number of Garages 2 1 Reduction <br /> Height Northern Garage 75 ft. at elevator penthouse Neutral Change <br /> 61 ft. at elevator and 60 ft. 10 in. at parapet (increase in height <br /> penthouse and 47 ft. at of modified garage <br /> parapet is offset by the <br /> Southern Garage removal of the <br /> 4-Level: 47%ft. at southern garage <br /> elevator penthouse and 37 and increased <br /> ft. at parapet; setback from 1-580) <br /> 5-Level: 58 ft. at elevator <br /> penthouse and 47 ft. at <br /> parapet <br /> Setback from 1-580 property line 25 ft. (Northern Garage) 35 ft. Increase <br /> Total Parking (both sites) 3,188 spaces with 4-level 3,214 spaces Neutral Change <br /> Southern Garage (1 space/304 sq. ft.) (within range of <br /> (1 space/313 sq. ft.); or spaces in approved <br /> 3,421 spaces with 5-level project) <br /> Southern Garage <br /> (1 space/292 sq. ft.) <br /> Trees Removed 323 362 Neutral Change <br /> (offset by planting <br /> of additional trees) <br /> Trees Planted 600 634 Increase <br /> LEED Rating Silver(possibly Gold) Platinum Increase <br /> 2 <br />