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EXHIBIT E <br /> • <br /> THE CITY OF <br /> ttlll , 111 I. <br /> LE ASANTON® <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> Subject: CEQA Substantial Conformity Analysis for PUD-104-1 M/PUD- <br /> 81-22-15M (Workday Inc. Project) <br /> Prepared by: Steve Otto, Senior Planner <br /> The City of Pleasanton has prepared the following substantial conformity analysis <br /> memo indicating that the currently-proposed Workday office project (Modified Project) is <br /> substantially similar to the Workday office project approved in June 2014 and, therefore, <br /> would result in similar or reduced environmental impacts compared to those identified in <br /> the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration adopted on May 20, 2014. <br /> Background <br /> In June 2014, Workday received City Council approval to construct a six-story, <br /> approximately 430,000 square foot office building, five-level parking garage, and <br /> surface parking on the BART property (6110 Stoneridge Mall Road) and construct either <br /> a four- or five-level parking garage and surface parking on the Stoneridge Corporate <br /> Plaza property (6120-6160 Stoneridge Mall Road). Other related site improvements <br /> would also occur on both sites (e.g., landscape modifications, tree removal, utility <br /> installation, stormwater treatment areas). <br /> The City Council found that all of the project-related impacts would be mitigated to a <br /> less-than-significant level, with the mitigation measures incorporated into the project's <br /> design or required by conditions of approval. The City Council adopted a resolution <br /> approving a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project. <br /> Modified Project <br /> Workday later reevaluated the approved plan and determined that it should be refined to <br /> function more efficiently for Workday employees and meet Workday's <br /> environmental/sustainability objectives. As a result, Workday is proposing to modify its <br /> approved plan, resulting in a new office building design which is slightly smaller in floor <br /> area, the elimination of the parking garage on the Stoneridge Corporate Plaza property, <br /> a larger parking garage with basement parking on the BART property, and other related <br /> site changes. Similar to the approved project, vehicular access to the site would be <br /> provided from the five existing driveways (one on Stoneridge Mall Road and four on <br /> Embarcadero Court) and one new driveway on Stoneridge Mall Road that would be <br /> shared with the BART garage. <br /> 1 <br />