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20. Prior to installation of any signs, a comprehensive sign program shall be <br /> submitted for review approval by the Director of Community Development. <br /> 21. Grills installed in the cafeteria kitchen shall be equipped at all times with filtering <br /> devices to minimize odors and fumes. Details of said devices shall be shown on <br /> the plans submitted for issuance of building permits and shall be subject to review <br /> and approval by the Director of Community Development and Chief Building <br /> Official prior to issuance of building permits. <br /> 22. The applicant and/or developer shall submit a pad elevation certification prepared <br /> by a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer to the Chief Building <br /> Official and Director of Community Development certifying that the pad elevations <br /> and building locations (setbacks) are pursuant to the approved plans, prior to <br /> receiving a foundation inspection for the structures. <br /> 23. All excess soil from the site shall be off-hauled from the site and disposed of in a <br /> lawful manner. Unless otherwise approved by the Director of Community <br /> Development, no stockpiling of dirt on this site shall occur. <br /> 24. Pre-construction Breeding Bird Surveys: Prior to development of the subject site <br /> and each phase of project activities that have the potential to result in impacts on <br /> breeding birds, the project applicant/developer shall take the following steps to <br /> avoid direct losses of nests, eggs, and nestlings and indirect impacts to avian <br /> breeding success: <br /> a) If grading or construction activities occur only during the nonbreeding season, <br /> between August 31 and February 1, no surveys shall be required. <br /> b) Pruning and removal of trees and other vegetation, including grading of <br /> grasslands, should occur outside the breeding season (February 1 through <br /> August 31) whenever feasible. <br /> c) During the breeding bird season (February 1 through August 31) a qualified <br /> biologist shall survey activity sites for nesting raptors and passerine birds not <br /> more than 14 days prior to any ground-disturbing activity or vegetation <br /> removal. Surveys shall include all line-of-sight trees within 500 feet(for <br /> raptors) and all vegetation (including bare ground) within 250 feet for all other <br /> species. <br /> d) Based on the results of the surveys, avoidance procedures shall be adopted, if <br /> necessary, on a case-by-case basis. These may include construction buffer <br /> areas (up to several hundred feet in the case of raptors) or seasonal <br /> avoidance. <br /> e) Bird nests initiated during construction are presumed to be unaffected, and no <br /> buffer is necessary except to avoid direct destruction of a nest or mortality of <br /> nestlings. <br /> f) If preconstruction surveys indicate that nests are inactive or potential habitat is <br /> unoccupied during the construction period, no further mitigation is required. <br /> 4 of 28 <br />