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Director of Community Development. All required screening shall be provided <br /> prior to occupancy. <br /> 15. All exterior lighting including landscape lighting shall be directed downward and <br /> designed or shielded so as to not shine onto neighboring properties or streets. <br /> The applicant shall submit a final lighting plan including photometrics and <br /> drawings and/or manufacturer's specification sheets showing the size and types <br /> of light fixtures. The lighting plan shall be subject to the review and approval by <br /> the Director of Community Development prior to issuance of building permits for <br /> the project. <br /> 16. The project shall comply with the current City/Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> recycling and composting programs. <br /> 17. All trash and refuse shall be contained completely within trash enclosures. Trash <br /> containers shall be stored within the trash enclosures at all times except when <br /> being unloaded. The trash enclosures shall be sized to accommodate trash, <br /> recycling, and green waste containers. The materials and colors of any new trash <br /> enclosures shall be compatible with the office buildings or parking structures and <br /> the gates shall be metal or solid wood unless otherwise approved by the Director <br /> of Community Development. Elevation drawings and plan details, including color <br /> and material of the enclosures noted, shall be included in the plans submitted to <br /> the Building and Safety Division for plan check and shall be subject to the review <br /> and approval of the Director of Community Development prior to building permit <br /> issuance. <br /> 18. The final location of pad-mounted transformers shall be subject to approval by the <br /> Director of Community Development prior to issuance of permits by the Building <br /> and Safety Division. Such transformers shall be screened by landscaping to the <br /> satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. All transformers shall be <br /> shown on the plans submitted for issuance of building permits. <br /> 19. All backflow prevention devices, above ground irrigation controls, and above <br /> ground irrigation meters shall be located and screened to minimize their visual <br /> impacts. These devices with their proposed screening shall be shown on the <br /> landscaping and utility plans submitted with the building permit plans, clearly <br /> marked "above ground" or "below ground" on the plans, and shall be subject to <br /> the review and approval of the Planning Division prior to their installation. If <br /> above-ground, they shall be painted forest green or an equivalent dark-green <br /> color. Screens shall consist of berms, walls, or landscaping satisfactorily <br /> integrated into the landscape plan. Landscape screens shall include shrubbery <br /> designed by species and planting density to establish a complete screen within <br /> one year from the date of planting. Weather protection devices such as measures <br /> to protect pipes from freezing shall require approval by the Planning Division prior <br /> to use; at no time shall fabric or other material not designed and/or intended for <br /> this purpose be wrapped around or otherwise placed on these devices. <br /> 3 of 28 <br />