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competing club retail venues, the Project's market area was defined to include 18 full census tracts <br /> and three partial census tracts spanning the City of Pleasanton, the majority of the City of Dublin, <br /> and some unincorporated Alameda County areas. Consumer origin data for nearby club retail <br /> venues indicates that a large part of their consumers originate from the market area defined for <br /> the Project. This means market area consumers who want to shop at a club retail store are already <br /> doing so. It is assumed that these sales will be captured by the Project's club retail store. These <br /> redirected sales will not be diverted from any existing market area retailers but will comprise sales <br /> new to Pleasanton. <br /> Based upon considerations of wholesale purchases, redirected sales, outside market area demand, <br /> the Project's sales anticipated to be most competitive with the existing retail base include $66.5 <br /> million in Phase I sales and $119.7 million in total sales at Full Buildout. These are the new sales <br /> anticipated to be generated by market area retail consumers. <br /> The distribution of sales by retail category will vary between the general retail and club retail <br /> portions of the Project, but the overall distribution is summarized in Table 1. This distribution is <br /> based on assumptions regarding the allocation of Project space by type of retail category, and <br /> associated average sales estimates. <br /> Table 1.Summary of Project Sales Competitive with Market Areo Retail Sales Base <br /> General Retail Club Retail Full Buildout Percent of <br /> Retail Category Phase 1 Full Buildout Phase 1 Full Buildout Total Total <br /> Motor Vehicles and Ports Dealers 50 50 $3,143,726 $3,143,726 $3,143,726 3% <br /> Home Furnishings and Appliance Stores $153,189 $5,791,663 54,419,892 54,419,892 $10,211,555 9% <br /> Building Materiels and Gorden Equip. $142,416 $5,384,380 $2,645,710 $2,645,710 $8,030,090 7% <br /> Food and Beverage Stores $0 $0 $32,075,342 $32,075,342 $32,075,342 27% <br /> Gasoline Stations $0 $0 $6,278,039 $6,278,039 $6,278,039 5% <br /> Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores $365,722 $13,827,011 $2,023,190 $2,023,190 $15,850,201 13% <br /> General Merchandise Stores $141,136 $5,335,998 $4,840,093 $4,840,093 $10,176,090 8% <br /> Food Services and Drinking Places $288,849 $10,920,622 $249,008 $249,008 $11,169,630 9% <br /> Other Retail Group $407,534 515,407,814 57,395,537 $7,395,537 $22.803,351 1996 <br /> Total $1,490,846 $56,667,407 $63,070,537 $63,070,537 $119,738,024 100% <br /> Source:Exhibit 15. <br /> The categories of sales are based upon categories defined by the State of California Board of <br /> Equalization. The "Other Retail" category is a broad category that includes a wide range of goods, <br /> such as office supplies, pet supplies, books, toys, pharmacy, jewelry, sporting goods, and gifts. As <br /> noted, the largest component of Project retail sales is estimated to comprise Food & Beverage store <br /> sales. This is attributable to the large share of club retail store sales comprising Food & Beverage <br /> sales. <br /> Retail Sales Base and Characterization <br /> The combined sales bases of Pleasanton and Dublin are estimated to total $3.0 billion, comprised <br /> of approximately equal portions between the two cities. Both Pleasanton and Dublin are retail <br /> attraction markets, meaning that more sales are captured by area retailers than would be expected <br /> from resident spending alone. This retail base attraction is characteristic of all major retail sectors <br /> except for two in Pleasanton — Building Materials & Garden Equipment and Gasoline Stations, <br /> meaning these two categories are not fully meeting demand generated by Pleasanton consumers. <br /> However, both of these categories are attraction categories in Dublin, thus the analysis assumes <br /> Johnson Drive EDZ Urban Decay 2 ALH Urban & Regional Economics <br />