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4.Written Comments on the Draft EIR and Responses to Comments <br /> of criteria air pollutants, and Impact 4.B-3,obstruction of implementation of the 2010 Clean Air <br /> Plan due to an incremental increase in citywide vehicle miles traveled,as described in Section <br /> 4.B, Air Quality, of the Draft SEIR),these impacts are related to regional levels of air pollutants <br /> and do not directly affect locations near the area of the proposed EDZ, because traffic generated <br /> by the proposed EDZ would occur over a much large geographic area than the immediate vicinity <br /> and because the effects of most criteria pollutants are widely distributed. For example,ozone is <br /> not emitted directly from vehicles but is the result of atmospheric photochemical reactions <br /> between two pollutants that are emitted directly, reactive organic gases(ROG) and nitrogen <br /> oxides(NOx), when exposed to sunlight.Carbon monoxide, a criteria pollutant that is a concern <br /> at high local concentrations, has declined dramatically since the 1980s due to cleaner-burning <br /> engines and other pollution controls, and is seldom a concern in the Bay Area. With respect to the <br /> local effects of toxic air contaminants such as diesel particulate matter(DPM)and respirable <br /> particulate matter(PM2.5),as discussed under Impact 4.B-4 in Section 4.B,the analysis in the <br /> Draft SEIR found that effects would be less than significant(with mitigation required only should <br /> a sensitive use such as senior housing be proposed within the EDZ). The distance between the <br /> proposed EDZ area and the Val Vista neighborhood(approximately 1,000 feet for locations <br /> within the EDZ except that of the existing Fed Ex facility)would preclude news uses within the <br /> EDZ from generating significant localized air quality impacts to this neighborhood. The 2005 <br /> California Air Resources Board Air Quality and Land Use Handbook that is referenced in <br /> Section 4.B, Air Quality, of the Draft SEIR uses 1,000 feet as the screening distance from certain <br /> pollutant-generating uses which local agencies should consider when evaluating whether sensitive <br /> land uses such as residences should be permitted,because risks to local uses are much lower <br /> beyond this distance. <br /> Regarding potential local traffic impacts from the buildout of the proposed EDZ,as noted in <br /> Section 4.D,Transportation and Traffic,of the Draft SEIR and stated above in the Master <br /> Response to Comments about the Draft SEIR Traffic Impact Analysis, all traffic impacts <br /> identified in the Draft EIR would be mitigated to a less-than-significant level through <br /> implementation of identified mitigation measures. This includes impacts on Stoneridge Drive, <br /> which could otherwise affect the Val Vista neighborhood. However,the review and approval <br /> process for the portion of Mitigation Measure 4.D-Id that would address the queueing impact at the <br /> Stoneridge Drive/Johnson Drive intersection would require Caltrans approval and that of other non- <br /> City agencies,and thus is not fully under the control of the City of Pleasanton. Accordingly, <br /> because CEQA requires that mitigation measures be"fully enforceable through permit conditions, <br /> agreements,or other measures"(CEQA Sec. 21081.6(b)),the impact related to vehicle queue <br /> spillback periodically impeding through traffic on Stoneridge Drive and blocking access to <br /> driveways along Johnson Drive during the PM peak hour would necessarily be considered <br /> significant and unavoidable. The City will work with Caltrans and other agencies to ensure <br /> completion of the mitigation to the extent possible. <br /> Regarding access between the proposed EDZ and the Val Vista neighborhood,as stated in <br /> Section 4.D,Transportation and Traffic,of the Draft SEIR(page 4.D-58),the Design Guidelines for <br /> the proposed EDZ"provide guidance to future developers of sites within the area,and will include <br /> guidance regarding pedestrian access and circulation,and bicycle access consistent with General <br /> Johnson Drive Economic Development Zone 4-17 ESA/140421 <br /> Supplemental EIR Response to Comments March 2016 <br />