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4.Written Comments on the Draft EIR and Responses to Comments <br /> project occurs over a much larger geographic area than the immediate project vicinity and because <br /> the effects of most criteria pollutants are widely distributed throughout the air basin. <br /> The specific example of ozone, a key component of smog, illustrates how the increase in air <br /> emissions that would be caused by the proposed EDZ relates to regional vs. local conditions. <br /> Ozone is not directly emitted by vehicle exhaust; rather, nitrogen oxides and reactive organic <br /> gases that are emitted by vehicle exhaust are precursors to ozone formation. These emissions <br /> form ozone in the atmosphere under high temperature conditions in the presence of sunlight. <br /> Nitrogen dioxide(NO2)may be visible as a coloring component of a brown cloud on high <br /> pollution days, especially in conjunction with high ozone levels. High pollution days are <br /> associated with emissions that occur on a regional level, rather than a local level. <br /> Regarding the local effects of toxic air contaminants such as diesel particulate matter(DPM)and <br /> respirable particulate matter(PM2.5), as discussed under Impact 4.B-4 in Section 4.B,Air <br /> Quality, of the Draft SEIR, the analysis found that effects would be less than significant(with <br /> mitigation required only should a sensitive use such as senior housing be proposed within the <br /> EDZ). For example,the distance between the area of the proposed EDZ and the Val Vista <br /> neighborhood(approximately 1,000 feet for locations within the EDZ except that of the existing <br /> Fed Ex facility)would preclude new uses within the EDZ from generating significant localized <br /> air quality impacts to this neighborhood. The 2005 California Air Resources Board Air Quality <br /> and Land Use Handbook, referenced in Section 4.B, Air Quality of the Draft SEIR, uses <br /> 1,000 feet as the screening distance from certain pollutant-generating uses because risks to local <br /> uses are much lower beyond this distance; 1,000 feet is therefore the recommended distance for <br /> local agencies to consider when evaluating whether sensitive land uses such as residences should <br /> be permitted. <br /> Master Response to Comments About the Impacts of the Proposed <br /> EDZ on Water Use <br /> The Draft SEIR analyzed the impacts of implementing the proposed EDZ on utility systems, <br /> including water systems, in Section 4.E, Other Topics. Projected water demand was not estimated <br /> or presented in Section 4.E. Instead, the Draft SEIR relied on Mitigation Measure 4.E-9, which <br /> requires all development projects within the EDZ to provide written verification prior to <br /> development from the water provider or the City that water is available. With implementation of <br /> this measure, impacts to water supplies would be less than significant. It is noted that the City's <br /> 2010 Urban Water Management Plan(UWMP; City of Pleasanton,2011)concludes that the City <br /> has adequate water supplies to accommodate anticipated growth through the year 2030.Non- <br /> residential growth attributable to the proposed EDZ would not exceed the growth anticipated in <br /> the UWMP, and thus the EDZ water demand is within the demand forecast in the UWMP. <br /> Section 4.E also explained that, because of the four-year-long drought, the City has implemented, <br /> and will continue to implement, measures and programs such as its recycled water program and <br /> stricter water conservation measures to improve water reliability. Additionally, the City would <br /> apply a standard condition of project approval for all projects within the EDZ that requires <br /> recycled water infrastructure to be installed and connected when and if recycled water <br /> Johnson Dove Economic Development Zone 4-13 ESA/140421 <br /> Supplemental EIR Response to Comments March 2016 <br />