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4.Written Comments on the Draft EIR and Responses to Comments <br /> compared to the 12,270 total weekday daily trips that would be generated by the EDZ),and would <br /> result in the avoidance of some,but not all,of the significant impacts of the proposed EDZ. The <br /> volume of traffic trips to the EDZ area that would be generated by this alternative would likely <br /> result in impacts related to spillback, and further degrade operations of freeway ramps at <br /> merge/diverge areas that are already operating at unacceptable levels. <br /> Therefore,the analysis in the Draft SEIR indicates that some significant traffic impacts that would <br /> result from the proposed EDZ would still result even under a number of realistic, lower-intensity, <br /> alternative development scenarios. <br /> Las Positas Interchange as Mitigation for Traffic Impacts <br /> Some comments questioned whether increased traffic at freeway interchanges that would result <br /> from the EDZ could require or result in the construction of an interchange at Las Positas. This <br /> interchange, proposed in the former City of Pleasanton General Plan, was eliminated from the <br /> 2005-2025 General Plan that was adopted in 2009. The General Plan Circulation Element states <br /> that, should the City Council elect to proceed with an interchange at West Las Positas Boulevard, <br /> such approval must be conditioned upon providing a period of up to one year for a potential <br /> citizens' initiative challenge to approval of the interchange. Whether increased traffic resulting <br /> from the proposed EDZ would prompt reconsideration of this improvement is speculative. <br /> Master Response to Comments about Draft SEIR Air Quality Impact <br /> Analysis <br /> Several commenters requested clarification regarding air quality impacts that would result from <br /> the development of the uses within the proposed EDZ and from increased traffic. For a discussion <br /> of potential impacts to air quality from implementation of the proposed EDZ, refer to Section 4.B, <br /> Air Quality,of the Draft SEIR. <br /> The Draft SEIR concluded that regional air quality effects would be significant and unavoidable <br /> (see discussions under Impact 4.B-2. traffic-generated emissions of criteria air pollutants, and <br /> Impact 4.B-3, obstruction of implementation of the 2010 Clean Air Plan, as described in <br /> Section 4.B,Air Quality,of the Draft SEIR). As stated in the discussion under Impact 4.B-3 in the <br /> Draft SEIR,the size and scope of development within the proposed EDZ would result in a volume <br /> of criteria pollutants that exceed threshold identifed by the region's air district.The proposed EDZ <br /> would also slightly increase vehicle miles traveled(VMT)per household and per capita.These two <br /> factors resulted in the finding in the Draft SEIR that the proposed EDZ would be inconsistent with <br /> the Clean Air Plan.This same situation would likely arise in any nearby community with the <br /> introduction of a large retail store that attracts vehicle trips from a relatively large geographic area. <br /> Regarding the Draft SEIR's assessment of air quality impacts, it is important to note that these <br /> impacts are largely regional in nature, and do not directly affect locations near the area of the <br /> proposed EDZ, with the exception of impacts related to Toxic Air Contaminants(TACs),as <br /> described below. Air emissions from traffic are addressed by the Bay Area Air Quality <br /> Management District largely on a regional basis because traffic generated by a given development <br /> Johnson Drive Economic Development Zone 4-12 ESA/140421 <br /> Supplemental EIR Response to Comments March 2016 <br />