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equity investors, City may require Owner to contract with a qualified management agent selected <br /> by City and approved by the Project lender and equity investor, to operate the Project,or to make <br /> such other arrangements as City deems necessary to ensure performance of the required <br /> functions. <br /> 6.3 Repair, Maintenance and Security. Throughout the term of this Agreement, <br /> Owner shall at its own expense, maintain the Property and the Project in good physical condition, <br /> in good repair, and in decent, safe, sanitary,habitable and tenantable living conditions in <br /> conformity with all applicable state, federal, and local laws, ordinances, codes,and regulations. <br /> Without limiting the foregoing, Owner agrees to maintain the Project and the Property(including <br /> without limitation,the residential units, common areas, meeting rooms, landscaping, driveways, <br /> parking areas and walkways) in a condition free of all waste, nuisance, debris, unmaintained <br /> landscaping, graffiti, disrepair,abandoned vehicles/appliances, and illegal activity, and shall take <br /> all reasonable steps to prevent the same from occurring on the Property or at the Project. Owner <br /> shall prevent and/or rectify any physical deterioration of the Property and the Project and <br /> shall make all repairs, renewals and replacements necessary to keep the Property and the <br /> improvements located thereon in good condition and repair. Owner shall provide adequate <br /> security measures for the Project, including without limitation,the installation of adequate <br /> lighting and deadbolt locks. <br /> 6.3.1 Additional Requirements. All construction work and professional services <br /> for the Project shall be performed by persons or entities licensed or otherwise authorized to <br /> perform the applicable work or service in the State of California and shall have a current City of <br /> Pleasanton business license if required under local law. To the extent allowed by state and <br /> federal laws, Owner shall limit the installation of satellite dish, antenna and other such <br /> equipment to screened locations on the Property as approved by the City. Owner shall diligently <br /> work to resolve complaints related to noise, parking, litter or other neighborhood concerns. <br /> 6.4 City's Right to Perform Maintenance. In the event that Owner breaches any of the <br /> covenants contained in Section 6.3, and such default continues for a period of ten(10)days after <br /> written notice from City(with respect to graffiti, debris, and waste material)or thirty(30)days <br /> after written notice from City(with respect to landscaping, building improvements and general <br /> maintenance),then City, in addition to any other remedy it may have under this Agreement or at <br /> law or in equity, shall have the right, but not the obligation,to enter upon the Property and <br /> perform all acts and work necessary to protect, maintain, and preserve the improvements and the <br /> landscaped areas on the Property. All costs expended by City in connection with the foregoing, <br /> shall constitute an indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust, and shall be paid by Owner to City <br /> upon demand. All such sums remaining unpaid thirty(30) days following delivery of City's <br /> invoice therefor shall bear interest at the lesser of 10%per annum or the highest rate permitted by <br /> applicable law. <br /> 6.5 Marketing and Management Plan. Not later than ninety (90) days following <br /> commencement of construction work on the Project, Owner shall submit for City review and <br /> approval,a plan for marketing and managing the Property("Marketing and Management Plan" <br /> or"Plan"). The Marketing and Management Plan shall address in detail how Owner plans to <br /> market the Restricted Units to prospective Eligible Households in accordance with fair housing <br /> 15 <br /> OAK #9832-3506-8205 v2 <br />