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casualty insurance not required to be paid to the holders of Approved Senior Loans(provided <br /> however, expenditure of such proceeds for repair or restoration of the Project shall be included <br /> within Annual Operating Expenses in the year of the expenditure); condemnation awards for a <br /> taking of part or all of the Property or the Improvements for a temporary period; and the fair <br /> market value of any goods or services provided to Borrower in consideration for the leasing or <br /> other use of any part of the Project. Gross Revenue shall include any release of funds from <br /> replacement and other reserve accounts to Borrower other than for costs associated with the <br /> Project. Gross Revenue shall not include tenant security deposits, loan proceeds, capital <br /> contributions or similar advances. <br /> 1.2.3 "Annual Operating Expenses" shall mean for each calendar year during <br /> term hereof,the following costs reasonably and actually incurred for the operation and <br /> maintenance of the Project to the extent that they are consistent with an annual independent audit <br /> performed by a certified public accountant using generally accepted accounting principles: <br /> property taxes and assessments; debt service currently due and payable on a non-optional basis <br /> (excluding debt service due from residual receipts or surplus cash of the Project)on loans which <br /> have been approved in writing by the City and which are secured by deeds of trust senior in <br /> priority to the Deed of Trust("Approved Senior Loans");property management fees and <br /> reimbursements in amounts in accordance with industry standards for similar residential projects <br /> and paid pursuant to a property management agreement approved by City; premiums for <br /> property damage and liability insurance; utility service costs not paid for directly or indirectly by <br /> tenants; maintenance and repair costs; fees for licenses and permits required for the operation of <br /> the Project; expenses for security services; advertising and marketing costs; payment of <br /> deductibles in connection with casualty insurance claims not paid from reserves; tenant services; <br /> the amount of uninsured losses actually replaced, repaired or restored and not paid from reserves; <br /> cash deposits into reserves for capital replacements in an amount equal to $450 per unit per year <br /> or such greater amount as reasonably required by the holder of an Approved Senior Loan or as <br /> required by a physical needs assessment prepared by a third-party selected or approved by City <br /> and prepared at Borrower's expense; cash deposits into operating reserves in an amount <br /> reasonably approved by the City or required by the holder of an Approved Senior Loan, but only <br /> if the accumulated operating reserve does not exceed three (3)months' projected Project <br /> operating expenses; any previously unpaid portion of the developer fee(without interest), <br /> provided that the aggregate amount of such fee does not exceed the maximum allowable for the <br /> Project pursuant to California Tax Credit Allocation Committee regulations; and other ordinary <br /> and reasonable operating expenses approved by City. Commencing on the Project placed in <br /> service date,Annual Operating Expenses shall also include a partnership management fee <br /> payable to the general partner of Borrower in the maximum annual amount of Twenty-Five <br /> Thousand Dollars($25,000), and an asset management fee payable to the investor limited partner <br /> of Borrower in the maximum annual amount of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500), <br /> each increasing annually by the lesser of three percent(3%) or the increase in the Consumer <br /> Price Index-Urban (CPI-U) for the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, California area over the <br /> prior year; provided that the asset management fee shall only be included in the calculation of <br /> Annual Operating Expenses during the first fifteen (15) years following the date upon which the <br /> Project is placed in service. <br /> 1.2.4 EXCLUSIONS FROM ANNUAL OPERATING EXPENSES. Annual <br /> Operating Expenses shall exclude the following: developer fees and interest on any deferred <br /> OAK#4829-4624-9261 v2 4 <br />