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G All prior and present information (including written evidence and testimony) presented to <br /> the Planning Commission and City Council by the Project sponsor and consultants. <br /> G All final applications, letters, testimony, exhibits, and presentations presented by the <br /> Project sponsor and consultants to the City in connection with the Project. <br /> o All final information (including written evidence and testimony) presented at any City <br /> public hearing or City workshop related to the Project and the EIR. <br /> e For documentary and information purposes, all City-adopted land use plans and <br /> ordinances, including without limitation the general plan, and ordinances, together with <br /> environmental review documents, findings, mitigation monitoring programs and other <br /> documentation relevant to planned growth in the area. <br /> e All other documents composing the record pursuant to Public Resources Code section <br /> 21167.6(e). <br /> • <br /> These documents are available for review at the City of Pleasanton Department of Planning and <br /> Community Development, 200 Old Bernal Avenue, Pleasanton, California, 94566-0802. <br /> Pursuant to Public Resources Code §21081, for each significant effect identified in the EIR, the City' must <br /> make one or more of the findings. After reviewing the public record, as composed of the aforementioned <br /> elements, the Pleasanton City Council hereby makes the following findings regarding the significant <br /> effects of the proposed project, pursuant to Public Resources Code §21081 and §15091 of the State <br /> CEQA Guidelines. <br /> SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES <br /> BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES(SECTION 4.3) <br /> Significant Impact <br /> Impact 4.3-1: Project construction would result in a loss of oak woodland/savanna habitat and would <br /> require the removal of approximately 146 trees, including 80 Heritage trees. The connection to Sunset <br /> Creek Lane would require the removal of approximately 13 additional trees. including 10 Heritage trees. <br /> Finding <br /> Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the <br /> significant effects on the environment. <br /> Facts in Support of Finding <br /> The City of Pleasanton has adopted the following measures which will reduce potential impacts to oak <br /> woodland/savanna habitat a less-than-significant level: <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.3-1a: An Oak Woodland Restoration and Management Plan shall be prepared by a <br /> qualified biologist and submitted to the City prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit. This Plan shall <br /> include provisions to: <br /> ▪ Maximize the diversity of plants and animals native to oak woodlands of the region; <br /> LUND RANCH II(PUD-25)RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 4 FINDINGS <br />