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approximately 0.26 dwelling units per acre. The development proposal also includes the extension of <br /> Lund Ranch Road from its present terminus at the Lund Ranch property boundary to the southeast for <br /> approximately 1,500 feet onto the property. The proposed extension of this roadway would also entail the <br /> construction of three cul-de-sacs to serve the planned residential uses on the Lund Ranch site. <br /> Additionally, two driveways would be constructed from the ends of"Court C" and the Lund Ranch Road <br /> to provide access to the two estate lots proposed as part of this project. <br /> The project plans designate the majority of the Lund Ranch property for open space uses. Approximately <br /> X174 acres (8489%) of the site would be dedicated for public open space use, while 11.1 acres of the <br /> - . - .. . . ..-. . ' . - .. - .. - . . The public open space would be owned by <br /> the City and maintained by either the City of the development's homeowners' association (HOA). <br /> The project also provides access to the public open space with the development of trails that would extend <br /> from the ends of Sunset Creek Lane, Sycamore Creek Way, and the proposed Lund Ranch Road <br /> extension. The trails would generally follow an existing unpaved road from the western side of the <br /> property, cross the site's creek east of the proposed Lund Ranch subdivision, and climb to ridges on the <br /> eastern and northern portions of the subject property. The trails would end at the Foley property on the <br /> eastern edge of the project site and at its boundary with the Bonde Ranch property on the north. The latter <br /> trail terminus is proposed to connect with a trail that crosses the Bonde Ranch property. <br /> The proposed project would be responsible only for trail construction on Lund Ranch property and for a <br /> short trail section (approximately 300 feet) that traverses the City's water reservoir site at the end of <br /> Sycamore Creek Way. The proposed Trail Plan includes the construction of a foot bridge across the site's <br /> creek channel immediately east of the future Lund Ranch Road cul-de-sac. <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PROCESS <br /> On August 2, 2012, the City published a Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the Draft EIR (see DEIR, <br /> Appendix A), thereby notifying responsible agencies, trustee agencies, adjacent local agencies. <br /> transportation planning agencies, the public, and other interested parties of the scoping period and giving <br /> them the opportunity to transmit their concerns and comments on the scope and content of the Draft EIR. <br /> On July 15, 2014, the City published the Draft EIR for the Lund Ranch II Project, commencing a 45-day <br /> public review period that ended on September 2, 2014. <br /> On January 12, 2015, the City issued the proposed Final EIR for consideration by the City's Planning <br /> Commission and, subsequently, by the City Council. <br /> FINDINGS OF FACT <br /> The Pleasanton City Council has reviewed the Final EIR for the Lund Ranch II (PUD 25) Residential <br /> Development Project and has considered the public record for the project. In addition to this Statement of <br /> Findings, the public record for the proposed project is composed of the following elements: <br /> ® The Revised Draft EIR, Final EIR and MMRP and all documents referenced in or relied <br /> upon by those documents. <br /> • All prior and present information (including written evidence and testimony) provided by <br /> City staff to the Planning Commission and City Council relating to the EIR, the <br /> approvals, and the Project. <br /> LUND RANCH II(PUD-25)RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 3 FINDINGS <br />