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TABLE 1. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br /> Mitigation Measures Implementation Monitoring Monitoring and Monitoring Verification of <br /> Procedures Responsibility Reporting Action Schedule Compliance <br /> unsuitable deposits shall be performed during grading by are properly <br /> sampling and laboratory analysis. implemented. <br /> itigation Measure 4.4-6a: The differential fill thickness The project applicant Community Review and approve Prior to issuance Verified by: <br /> across a lot should be less than 15 feet. Lots requiring shall incorporate the Development corrective grading of grading permit. <br /> local subexcavation of soil and replacement with specifications of this Department; plan; ensure that all <br /> engineered fill to achieve this limit should be identified on measure into project Engineering recommendations of Field inspections <br /> the final corrective action grading plan. plans. Division the project during <br /> geotechnical report construction. Date: <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.4-6b: Following clearing and are properly <br /> stripping, all areas to receive fill, slabs-on-grade, or implemented. <br /> pavement should be scarified to a depth of at least 12 <br /> inches, moisture conditioned,and compacted to the <br /> requirements for engineered fill <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.4-6c: Site soils and bedrock used <br /> for engineered fill shall have organic content of less than <br /> 3 percent. Rocks greater than 6-inches in size shall not <br /> be placed at depths greater than 10 feet from finished <br /> grade. Rocks greater than 18 inches in size should be <br /> broken down such that their maximum dimension is less <br /> than 12 to 18-inches, or placed in non-structural fills <br /> below slopes or under one of the proposed detention <br /> basins.Alternatively, these rocks could be used in <br /> landscaping and/or creek restoration projects. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.4-6d: Engineered fills shall be <br /> compacted to the specifications stated in the <br /> geotechnical framework. Over compaction of expansive <br /> materials(with a plasticity index of greater than 12) <br /> should be avoided within the upper five feet of building <br /> areas. All fills shall be placed in lifts not exceeding 12 <br /> inches,or the depth of penetration of the compaction <br /> equipment used,whichever is less <br /> Hydrology and Water Quality <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.5-3: See Mitigation Measures See Mitigation See Mitigation See Mitigation See Mitigation Verified by: <br /> 4.4-2a through 4 4-2c in Section 4.4, Geology, Soils,and Measures 4.4-2a Measures 4.4-2a Measures 4.4-2a Measures 4.4-2a <br /> Seismicity. through 4.4-2c. through 4.4-2c. through 4.4-2c. through 4.4-2c. <br /> Date: <br /> LUND RANCH I I-1)111)-25 12 JANUARY 2016 <br />