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TABLE 1. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br /> Mitigation Measures Implementation Monitoring Monitoring and Monitoring Verification of <br /> Procedures Responsibility Reporting Action Schedule Compliance <br /> recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer, benches <br /> shall be constructed at vertical intervals of not less than <br /> five feet <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.4-3f: Subsurface drainage <br /> systems should be installed in all key ways, swales or <br /> natural drainage areas, and landslide removal areas in <br /> accordance with the recommendations of the <br /> geotechnical exploration. Depending on the actual <br /> conditions encountered during grading, similar <br /> subsurface drainage facilities may be recommended <br /> within existing stock ponds, springs, low-lying areas, or <br /> at lots where wet conditions are encountered during <br /> excavation. In addition, new sources of seepage may be <br /> created by a combination of modified topography,future <br /> irrigation practices, and potential utility leakage If <br /> discovered,these conditions should be brought to the <br /> attention of the Geotechnical Engineer so that remedial <br /> actions may be initiated, if necessary. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.4-3g: Structural retaining walls <br /> shall be constructed in accordance with the <br /> recommendations of the geotechnical exploration and <br /> provided with drainage facilities to prevent the buildup of <br /> hydrostatic pressures behind the walls. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.4-3h: Where steeper slopes <br /> greater than 3:1 are desired, supplemental slope <br /> stabilization measures such as geogrid enforcement <br /> and/or the use of select fill shall be employed. Drainage <br /> benches shall also be provided at a 30-foot minimum <br /> intervals, and construction shall follow the structural <br /> setbacks of the CBC.Accordingly, structures shall be: (1) <br /> set back from the top of the slope by a minimum of one- <br /> third of the slope height or a maximum of 40 feet;and (2) <br /> set back from the bottom of the slope by a minimum of <br /> one-half of the slope height or a maximum of 15 feet <br /> Alternative setbacks may be addressed on a per lot and <br /> foundation design basis. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.4-5: All existing non-engineered The project applicant Community Review and approve Prior to issuance Verified by: <br /> fill, vegetation, and soft or compressible soils and shall incorporate the Development soil and spoils of grading permit. <br /> colluvium in existing canyons, creeks, stock ponds, specifications of this Department; removal plans; <br /> drainages, and other areas to be graded shall be measure into project Engineering ensure that all Field inspections <br /> removed as necessary for project requirements. The plans. Division recommendations of during <br /> depth of removal shall be determined by the geotechnical the project construction. Date: <br /> engineer in the field at the time of grading. Evaluation of geotechnical report <br /> LUND RANCH —MD-25 11 JANUARY 2016 <br />