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Commissioner Posson asked if the Commission is saying that if there is a cut in the <br /> hillside, then to determine the ridgeline, the original contour should be considered. <br /> Commissioners Pearce and Olson said yes. <br /> Chair Blank stated that historical photographs would be referenced. <br /> Commissioner Pearce continued that with reference to streets and roads to landlocked <br /> properties, it was ascertained that the only property affected was the Foley Ranch, <br /> which cannot hold more than ten units, and therefore, is not subject to Measure PP. ' <br /> 5. Delete the exemption to streets and roads that are part of a Specific Plan <br /> approved prior to November 2008. <br /> Chair Blank stated that what struck him about this ordinance is the relevance of the <br /> Commission spending so much time discussing whether a road is a structure. He <br /> indicated that he is not sure it matters because the third sentence in the ordinance says, <br /> "No grading to construct residential or commercial structures shall occur on hillside <br /> slopes 25 percent or greater or within 100 vertical feet of the ridgeline." He stated that <br /> he does not think anybody would build a road to nowhere; somebody would build a road <br /> to get to a commercial structure or residential structure. <br /> Commissioner Pearce commented that the road could be on a 25-percent slope but the <br /> structures are not. <br /> Chair Blank replied that it would have to be graded, and the Measure says "No grading <br /> to construct residential or commercial structures shall occur..."; it does not say there <br /> would be no grading for the construction of those residential structures. <br /> Commissioner Pearce stated that she was thinking about the Bypass Road as an <br /> example of something that could apply. <br /> Commissioner Narum agreed. <br /> Chair Blank stated that he had not thought about the Bypass Road in this context, but it <br /> is correct. He noted that this is one of the challenges of direct democracy. He <br /> commented that when the Commission first sat up here for the multiple meetings on this <br /> issue, everyone was thinking about previous Specific Plans and previous PUDs which <br /> were all before the date in 2008 and thought they were all fine, and he was surprised to <br /> find out that they were not fine. <br /> Commissioner Olson commented that it is interesting that Chair Blank would mention <br /> that because that was where he was going too. He indicated that his sense is that it <br /> does not matter whether a road is a structure or whether or not it is a structure or an <br /> infrastructure. He noted that the simple part of this is there will be no development at all <br /> within that 100 feet nor on a 25-percent slope, or some would argue that 15 percent is <br /> PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 13, 2013 Page 27 of 35 <br />