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I <br /> Policy 4. Encourage the establishment of permanent protection ter open space uses through the use of area shalt not be allowed.Uses such as equestrian centers.stables. orivale recreational facilities.and <br /> I fee purchase.agricutturatropen space easements.subdivision exactions,or other means. other man•rnade improvements shall be subject to land use. site, and design fevrew and must be <br /> 1 Program 4.t- Cluster new development in areas capab:e of being served. and secure agri• developed in accordance with the'Design Standards for New Development"section of this Plan <br /> j culturaliopen space conservation easements as a Conc,tian of proiecl approval. 2 The base density shall be 100 acres per building site. <br /> Program 4 2- Require that any urban use mitigate impacts on ano enhance publicly accessible 3. Any new homes.whether on a legal lot of record or on a lot created through subdivision.(I)must be <br /> open space by paying mitigation tees andrr by dedicating conservation ease- located on a building site wn:cn meets the City's reouaernents for satisfactory access.public <br /> meets on lands within the Plan Area. development standards.utility provision,and architectural design,(ii)must not interfere with the ability <br /> Program 4.3- Adopt an open space acquisition program io purchase in lee or easement lands to initiate or continue agricultural uses on-site or on adjacent parcels. and (iiit must not preclude <br /> welch are partict tatty sensitive to development. documented public agency plans to create or connect public use trails or open space areas. <br /> Palmy 5. Require that development,whether individual house. rural subdivision.or other urban-use. 4. For lots 01200 acres In Size or larger,legal building sites may be clustered through subdivision of five acre <br /> nenrrnlze its impact on environmentally sensitive areas. minimize Its impact on agricultural al <br /> i open space uses(primarily grazing):and minenwe its impact on urban services. if such clustering enhances agricultural productivity on large land holdings and if the remaining 95 percent <br /> Program 5.1 Estabfis�appropriate reniny regulations to implement the+ano use and design of the original parcel is permanently set aside for agriculturalropen space use by a legal vehicle such as a <br /> conservation easement or other ecuivatent means. On each five acre parcel resulting from such a <br /> goals and policies of the Plan. subdivision, a nevesupment envelope of no more man one acre shall be iderndied anthill• tl ch aJ Ij <br /> Program 5.2- Encourage Ins coocerahon of Hayward,Pleasanton. and Alameda County in residential development and accessory uses snail ne Incated. <br /> reaching rpegoals el the Plan through mutual coordinalon of land use pans and <br /> their implementation,accomplished by agreement or other appropriate devices. VI.DESIGN STANDARDS FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT <br /> ' <br /> V. LAUD USE POLICIES AND STANDARDS All new uses and improvements within the Plan Area shall respect me sensitivity of the Riogelanas to on-ano off- <br /> she views environmental areas of sensitivity.and provision at necessary services.The following policies and <br /> Tne Pleasanton Ridgelands Plan Area is divided into two suoareas.These incitidet standards snail apply in alCilion to those located elsewhere in the General Plan. <br /> 1. "Public Nark."ano t. New development/park conflicts should as minimized. <br /> 2 "Large Parcel Agriculture." <br /> These areas are shown Figure II.Lana use poems and standards for each subarea are as lotlows: a.New development mid minimize its intrusiveness to and incompatibility with existing open space <br /> parklands by screening views from parks of new development by fandtonrrs andror vegetation. <br /> Public Park a. Buller/ones of privately owned ano maintained open space should be local. <br /> p y od between new develop- <br /> The"Public Park'"designation applies to the 1.800 acre Pleasantnn R:tlgelands Regional Park.the 1.400 acres ment and open space parks to minimize potential lire.geologic.andror nuisance prob'ems. . <br /> acquired by E8RPD but not formally a pair.of its 43,5 acre Rowell Ranch owned by HARD,and the 230 2 Adeouate reliable water supplies must be avertable for domestic and irrigation needs, with water <br /> acre Augustin Bernal Part owned by Pleasanton Should additional land within the Plan Area be acquired for andror conserved to the maximum eaten)feasible.Alternative water sources shall be sougiil ano used,it teasiDla, <br /> put into use as publicly accessible park land by a Qcvemmental may be redesignated to the"Public Park" tar high Prater uses and for acceptable non-notable water uses, such as landscaping Satisfactory <br /> designation. sewerage systems musl be available with no 0egradaron of adjoining properties or increase In geologic <br /> Lands designated as Puotic Park shall be used primarily lei regionally-oriented open space related uses.including instabttity to improvements. <br /> trails.equestnan centers,day or overnight camping areas.oicnicareas,nature study:interpretive centers.staging <br /> 3. flew Cevelopment must oe served by satisfactory access,including access to tire-fighting vehicles.which <br /> areas.witeute preserves.and demonstration ranches. shall not cause a significant change in the visual character of the Ridgelands. <br /> Park uses and improvements shalt be subject to appropriate land use and design review to ensure the uses and 4. New development shah be designee to minimize risks to life and property due to potential nazards. <br /> improvements meet the goals and policies of this Plan.All park irnprovenner,ts shall meet the"Design Standards <br /> Ion Ne.w Development"section of leis Plan, 5. New development shall avoid encroachment upon cr disturbance of sensitive or unique botanical andror <br /> wildlife habitat.unless a leasible mitigation plan has been developed to protect such areas.As many trees <br /> Large Parcel Aartculture as feasible shall ee preserved in conjunction with any new development. <br /> The"Large Parcel Agriculture"designation applies to the majonlyof the Plan Area,roughly 9,500 acres.This area <br /> conlains the highest value,visible open space and has the nighest likelihood for degradation of the open space 6 New development shape not be constructed en any make any visible from urbanized areas of Pleasanton. <br /> character of the Plan Area should it be inappropriately used andror developed The following policies and standards Hayward,or Castro Valley in a manner which would make any part OMB structure visible above the natural <br /> skyline of Mesa ndgelines. <br /> shall apply, <br /> 1. Permttteu,conditional,and accessory uses shall be restricted to preclude uses incompatible with the 7. Design guidelines snout°be acopted and implemented to ensure that new development is subject to <br /> goals and policies of the Plan.Such uses as transmission towers'satellite stations,quarries,windmill discretionary review ano sensitive to the existing visual character.Siting,grading,architectural design <br /> larms,logging,and other Uses incompatible with the maintenance of the existing visual quality of Um and materials,,and signage shall complement the natural environment and respect <br /> the natural setting. <br /> PLM•49 PLM-S0 <br />
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