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EXHIBIT 8 Ridgetands Area Plan are specific►o tne Pleasanton Ridgelands.but they are to oe used in conjunction with all other <br /> PLEASANTON RIDOELANDS AREA PLAN General Plan policies.In the event the apnticetiun of these specific policies conflicts with any other General Plan <br /> policy,the specific policy shall control within tne Pleasanton Hidgerands area. <br /> I. INIIiODUCTION Goa!1. To preserve the area's unique rural and scenic Qualities. <br /> The Pleasanton Rrdgetrnuls area comprises 13,000 acres of ridges and valleys which separate the TA-Valley area Goal 2. To establish a clear butler between the communities of Hayward.Union City.and Castro Valley <br /> Irom Castro Valley and the communities of the East Bay Plain. II provides the primary western backdrop for to the waist and Pleasanton to the east <br /> Pleasanton and joins the more westerly ridges in establishing the topographic edge to Hayward and Castro Valley. Goal 3. to maximize the usefulness of the inciter open space party white minimizing its impact within me <br /> This predominantly undeveloped land Curtner provides an open space amenity of regional significance. It is region. <br /> characterised by steeply sloping,heavily forested eastern and northern laces(lithe Pleasanton.Sunol,and Main <br /> Ridgesandbroadgrasslandgrazingareasa!ong,idgetop sandsouthernandwesternslopes.This scenic area also Goal el. In direct development and development speculatinn away nom lands with environmentally <br /> conta.ns substantial agricultural land as well as valuable wildlife habitat. sensitive features, lands with primary open space values. and lands difficult to service by <br /> Over the years.the Pleasanton Ridgetands has been eyed for major resuientrat projects.Proposals have been made existing jurisdictions. <br /> to Hayward.Pleasanton.and Alameca County,but despite extensions of city limits,creation of special service Goal 5. To cootdinateland use planning ol the area between Hayward.Pleasanton.andAtameda County <br /> districts,and consteuction ot.some urban infrastructure.projects have generally not proceeded.Outside of the so as to increase certainty over future land uses and to reduce speculation. <br /> rural home sites located along the Palomares and Kdkare Canyons,nu significant development exists.Proposals <br /> for major park use 01 the Ridgetands have met with greater success.The East flay Regional Park District(EBRPD) IV PLEASANTON RIDGELANDS AREA PLAN POLICIES <br /> has established a 3,200 acre Pleasanton Ridgetands Park with a concept master plan for major expansions.Both The policies and implementation programs described below are attendee to establish the mechanisms necessary <br /> Pleasanton and the Hayward Area Recreation District(I LARD)also operate parks within the area.The Circle Inc Hay to achieve the goals of the Plan <br /> Ridge Trail plan anticipates utilizing the Ridgetands as a corridor for its planned trail. Policy 1 Maintain the visual quality and open space of the Plan Area as viewed from outside the Plan <br /> The intent of the Pleasanton Ridgetands Area Plan is to.preserve the remaining agricultural open spare,enhance Area. <br /> the value o1 open space park uses.and coordinate the policies of Hayward,Pleasanton.and Alameda County so Program 1.1 Establish land use and design standards to minimize intrusion of man-made <br /> that these goals can be accomplishe'. structures and other features into the existing viewshed. <br /> To achieve the goal of jurisdictional coordination,the Pleasanton Hldgelands Area Plan policies are Intended to be Program t.2• Limttuses to those appropriate to retaining the present visual quality of the Plan <br /> adopted by Hayward.Pleasanton.and Alameda County as amendments to tneir respective General Plans.In this Area. <br /> manner,implementation of these policies could occur within each of the jurisdictions with land use authority over a <br /> portion of the Ridgetands. Policy 2. Encourage me retention of agricultural open space uses,such as grazing,within the Plan Area. <br /> Program 2.1- Discourage the non-renewal or cancellation of Williamson Act contracts' <br /> 11. PLEASANTON RIDGELANOS AREA PLAN BOUNDARIES Program 2.2• Discourage incompatible urban uses within the Plan Area unless their impacts <br /> The Pleasanton Ridgetands Area Plan encompasses approximately 13.000 acres of Iho Pleasanton.Sunol.and on agricultural uses are satisfactorily mitigated. <br /> Main Ridges bounded generally by 1.580 to the north.Palomares Road to the west,Niles Canyon Road to the Program 2.3- Establish and implement a right-to-farm oreirrartce and dseose its existence by <br /> souls,and the urban edge of Pleasanton to the east.excepting the rural communities of Sunol and Kilkare Canyon. referencing said ordinance in the approval of any new residential andlor other <br /> The Plan Area encompasses life steeply sloping ridges and valleys comprising the bulk of the generally un- urban use in order lb minimize unexpected conflicts between such uses. <br /> developed open space, Policy 3. Encourage accessibility and usefulness of pates and trails within the Plan Area to those <br /> A roughly 600 acre portion of the not thwest comer of the Ridgetands is not included In the Ridgetands area due to resident;of the region. <br /> its potential suitability for development. It has considerable area of tess than 25 percent slope,tow significant <br /> stands of native vegetation in ils developable access tot-560 without impacting Palomares Road.and Program 3.1- Encourage the EBRPD to provide public access to the Pleasanton Ridgelands <br /> minimal visibility from most of the surrounding area.This land is genet any identified as being within a Castro Valley irk from as marry points as feasible.including Foothill Road,Paiomares Rono, <br /> Spnere•of-influence because it can be serviced by the same urban service providers as Castro Valley.A cluster Palo Verde Road.and Dublin Canyon Road. <br /> development plan in this area could be a means to provide the most suitable access to the Pleasanton Ridgetands Program 3 2- New development adjacent to or within the Plan Area should provide pedestrian <br /> Regional Park as well as to provide. through dedication and/or other areas. sigmticant additional publicly access endear staging area(s)to enable present or future connections to the <br /> accessible open space parkland. Although this land is omitted from the Ridgetands is intended that Pleasanton Ridgetands Park. <br /> potential urban development here will only occur If it furthers the open space goats and policies of the Pleasanton Program 3 3- Encourage lands of EBRPD.HARD,Pleasanton.and other public agencies to be <br /> Ridgetands Area Plan without inducing additional growtn. cooperatively used for public park purposes. <br /> Ill. PLEASANTON flIOGEIANOS AREA PLAN GOALS Program 3 4• Encourage EBRPD to obtain public vehicular access to the Pleasanton <br /> Ridgetands Park from a point as relose to 1-580 as possible and following roughly <br /> In order to achieve the goals of the Pleasanton Ridgelands Area Plan,a specific set of General Plan goals and the Cowing Road alignment,as shown on the EDRPD's +8-e C"alternatnre <br /> I policies has been developed to govern land uses in this area. The goats and policies of the Pleasanton of the Pleasanton Ridgelands Regional Park Feasibility Study.(Match 1986). <br /> PLM-47 PL.M-48 <br />