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established under Measure QQ (which failed because, as a conflicting measure, it <br /> received fewer votes than Measure PP). Such is not the case. As one proposal on <br /> how to reach consensus on what areas are covered by Measure PP, I had suggested to <br /> the City's outside counsel that the City could use the approach of Fremont and San <br /> Ramon in implementing similar initiatives, namely to identify the ridgelines on a diagram <br /> accompanying the implementing Ordinance. Such a diagram would clarify the areas <br /> covered by the measure, but was certainly not intended to involve an extensive and <br /> detailed mapping exercise. Nor was it intended to encompass the highly restrictive <br /> criteria identified in Measure QQ, which would limit the scope of Measure PP far more <br /> than Measure PP's own common sense notion of a ridgeline. RHPA asks that the City's <br /> implementing ordinance, however written, be consistent with that common sense <br /> meaning.5 <br /> Finally, the City has attempted to condition any City agreement with RHPA on the <br /> content of an ordinance implementing Measure PP upon agreement by the members of <br /> RHPA to give up their right to comment on or protest City actions relating to the <br /> adoption of the implementing ordinance or City approval of any development project <br /> under that ordinance. Essentially, the City is asking RHPA and its members to bargain <br /> away their constitutional free speech rights in return for the City agreeing to do what is <br /> required under state law. I have advised my client to neither accept nor even consider <br /> such a Machiavellian proposal. <br /> As I noted earlier, my client is still interested in having the City enact a proper <br /> implementation ordinance, as was done in Fremont for its Hill Area Initiative. However, <br /> the consistent direction taken by the City thus far, attempting to improperly narrow and <br /> weaken the initiative, must change. Otherwise, my clients will oppose and challenge <br /> the City's proposed ordinance, using all appropriate means at their disposal. <br /> Most sincerely, <br /> Stuart M. Flashman <br /> Attorney for The Ridge & Hillside Protection <br /> Association <br /> cc: City Manager <br /> City Attorney <br /> Trivalley Times <br /> Pleasanton Patch <br /> The Independent <br /> 4 Measure QQ explicitly asserted its inconsistency with Measure PP In such situations, if both measures <br /> receive a majority vote, only the provisions of the measure receiving more votes are enacted. (Calif. <br /> Constitution,Art II §10, subd.(b); Taxpayers to Limit Campaign Spending v. Fair Pol. Practices Corn. <br /> (1990) 51 Ca1.3d 744.) <br /> 5 At the time Measure PP was placed on the ballot and approved by the voters, the Pleasanton Municipal <br /> Code (which the voters were presumed to have knowledge of—see, In re Lance W. (1985) 37 Cal.3d <br /> 873, 890, fn. 11) included definitions of ridge and ridgeline that are in full accord with Measure PP's <br /> common sense understanding of these terms. <br />