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Subject: <br />FW: Council Meeting <br />From: Amy Newton <br />Sent: Monday, November 30, 2015 10:56 PM <br />To: Mayor and City Council <br />Subject: Council Meeting <br />Mayor and City Council, <br />,,�wb'l'_tr uduttucrAL MAMMAL <br />MAL <br />Provided to the City Council <br />After Distrib ution of Packet 77,4-"'W/ <br />Date <br />After much thought, I decided that I needed to write you about what I observed at the last Council meeting, <br />during the Lund Ranch item. As a younger citizen, who was just observing my City Council, I was appalled by <br />what I witnessed!!! The man at the end of the table with the beard, made a presentation to you that was <br />obviously biased. I still can't believe that someone in that position of authority thought he could slant a <br />presentation and no one would call him out on it! It was unprofessional of him and I will not trust what he says <br />in the future. <br />The City Attorney was even worse!! He was practically telling one councilman, (multiple times), that he should <br />change his vote! And he was encouraging the Council to interpret things however they wanted to! I naively <br />thought that attorneys were about facts and laws. Clearly, this attorney either has his own agenda; or more <br />likely, he was following directions from others to influence the Council to vote a certain way. As the City <br />Attorney, one would hope that he would be objective in his comments and advice....again, I guess I was naive. <br />He, and other staff, seem to support giving Council a sense of entitlement to do whatever they can justify in <br />their minds. He gave the impression that the General Plan and Municipal Codes are up for interpretation by you. <br />Really? Is this how our city is run? Ignore /violate whatever doesn't agree with your personal opinion? The <br />disturbing thing is, (and the reason I decided to write), is that most people probably believe that City staff is <br />objective and that the comments they make are the truth without bias. From what I witnessed, that is not the <br />case in Pleasanton. It concerns me that you, and in some cases the voters, are basing important decisions, on <br />biased information!! <br />It seems like your decision will be based on traffic. This confuses me. Shouldn't your decision be based on what <br />is in the General Plan and Municipal Code? Shouldn't you be choosing the most environmentally <br />responsible option? Preserving the integrity of our government, and valuing the natural resources and <br />environment, are in the best interests of the majority of current Pleasanton residents and future generations! I <br />hope that you won't let us down. <br />Thank you, <br />A. Newton <br />Click here to report this email as spam. <br />1 <br />