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• <br /> o Evaluate existing parking efficiency <br /> o Consider amendments to regulations <br /> Many ideas have been shared regarding potential parking opportunities and while all ideas bear <br /> consideration and merit, the City would like to create one comprehensive strategy for the Council to <br /> start to plan to implement those. <br /> Ms. Ott concluded and said next steps would be to return to the Council in April/May with the strategy <br /> and implementation plan which would include all elements on the parking supply and management for <br /> the Council's consideration, solicit input and buy-in from property owners which allows them to create a <br /> Work Plan and budget and allocate resources to specific projects, which will return to the City Council. <br /> Mayor Thorne asked if the study will take human nature into consideration, stating if parking is more <br /> than one block from Main Street, they may not be used. Ms. Ott said this is something staff will consider <br /> during development of the study. <br /> Vice-Mayor Brown said as a Wheels Bus board member they have held presentations about regional <br /> rail and Ace Train, with an extensive plan for growth and development to help get cars off of 1-580 and <br /> 1-680. The Ace Train has the potential to do that. In addition, a Downtown resident complains on a <br /> regular basis that the Ace lot is full and they are overflowing onto Harrison Street. She asked if Ace and <br /> the Ace parking lot be a part of the study, as it is part of the challenge of parking on Downtown streets. <br /> Mr. Fialho said that work was not envisioned as part of this exercise. Staff is working with Ace and the <br /> Alameda Transportation Commission to see if there are alternatives to the capacity issue at the parking <br /> lot, one of which is financing from Measure BB and some long term accommodations that incorporate a <br /> portion of the Civic Center property if they redevelop the site into something different. Right now, the <br /> property is not owned by the City, but owned by the City and County of San Francisco. <br /> He said staff was looking at this work more of a Downtown vitality perspective but clearly it is related, <br /> but if the Council wants to incorporate that into this work, clear direction would need to be given. <br /> Vice-Mayor Brown said she thinks they are inter-related. Mr. Fialho said the other option is to add this <br /> to the priority list and tackle it separately, acknowledging that one and the other are related but not <br /> necessarily dependent on one another. <br /> Mayor Thorne opened the item for public comment. <br /> Marco Bronzini said he manages 719 Main Street with his father, Al Bronzini. They support the position <br /> of the PDA. They share a lot with a property owner and owners are becoming very territorial and he <br /> receives calls from tenants about employee parking in lots. A lot of money is being spent on signage <br /> that calls out the fact that parking is for the business. Many business are towing illegally parked cars <br /> and arguments occur. He suggested implementing some things immediately and supported the study. <br /> Gene Finch apologized for his demeanor, said he and his family lives in the Downtown and love <br /> Pleasanton and agrees with the PDA's study but he is angry that it only now coming to the Council. He <br /> did not believe it was progress but digression. The City is approving development downtown and voiced <br /> concerns with the inability to park. He said he is one of the longest surviving businesses along with the <br /> Bronzinis and the City is now approving development without parking but in-lieu fees. He asked that <br /> something be done by the City Council immediately to make the commitment to seriously address the <br /> issue. The City does not enforce the laws for 3 hour parking and it is deplorable, with nothing being <br /> done. <br /> Peter MacDonald said he is happy that the City is looking at moving forward with the study, supported <br /> the PDA recommendations, and asked not to wait until 2018 to address the Downtown situation, where <br /> City Council Minutes Page 25 of 28 October 6,2015 <br />