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f. On -site fire hydrants shall be in service. Fire hydrants shall be flushed and <br />all valves open. <br />g. On -site fire hydrants shall not be obstructed and shall be sufficiently above <br />grade to have all hydrant valves and outlets accessible for emergency use. <br />h. Where a project is phased as part of the development approved by the City, <br />specific access, water supply and fire hydrant installations will be required <br />as part of each phase. As needed a phasing plan with these improvements <br />will be required. <br />i. Where on -site grading /utility plans are submitted for review and approval <br />prior to building construction drawings, emergency vehicle access routes, <br />fire hydrant locations, material staging areas, etc. shall be provided. <br />Communitv Development Department <br />115. The project applicant/developer shall submit a refundable cash bond for hazard <br />and erosion control. The amount of this bond will be determined by the Director of <br />Community Development. The cash bond will be retained by the City until all the <br />permanent landscaping is installed for the development, including individual lots, <br />unless otherwise approved by the department. <br />116. The project developer shall submit a written dust control plan or procedure as part <br />of the building permit plans. <br />117. If any prehistoric or historic artifacts, or other indication of cultural resources are <br />found once the project construction is underway, all work must stop within 20 <br />meters (66 feet) of the find. A qualified archaeologist shall be consulted for an <br />immediate evaluation of the find prior to resuming groundbreaking construction <br />activities within 20 meters of the find. If the find is determined to be an important <br />archaeological resource, the resource shall be either avoided, if feasible, or <br />recovered consistent with the requirements of the State CEQA Guidelines. In the <br />event of discovery or recognition of any human remains in any on -site location, <br />there shall be no further excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby area <br />reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent remains until the County coroner has <br />determined, in accordance with any law conceming investigation of the <br />circumstances, the manner and cause of death and has made recommendations <br />concerning treatment and dispositions of the human remains to the person <br />responsible for the excavation, or to his/her authorized representative. A similar <br />note shall appear on the improvement plans. <br />118. All existing wells on the site shall be removed or sealed, filled and abandoned <br />pursuant to Alameda County Ordinance 73 -68, prior to the start of grading <br />operations. Wells shall be destroyed in accordance with the procedures outlined <br />on the permit obtained from Zone 7. Zone 7 may request the developer /subdivider <br />to retain specific wells for monitoring the ground water. The developer /subdivider <br />shall notify the City of Zone 7's desire to retain any well and make provisions to <br />save the well. Additionally, the developer /subdivider may request special approval <br />for temporary use of an existing well for construction water or a more permanent <br />19of28 <br />