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DISCUSSION <br /> The appeal filed by Mr. and Mrs. Monzo (the appellants) states that they did not believe <br /> that the Planning Commission fully or adequately addressed their objections presented to <br /> the Commission contained in Exhibit D of Attachment 5. The attached Planning <br /> Commission staff report, (Attachment 5) dated March 25, 2015, provides additional <br /> background information and a detailed discussion of the proposed application. A brief <br /> summary of the concerns brought up prior to the Planning Commission hearing are <br /> included below; for a full discussion please see the March 25, 2015 Planning Commission <br /> report. <br /> (1) Roof Colors <br /> Concerns were raised regarding the red tone of the proposed roof material. Staff <br /> and the HOA have been working with the applicant to address this concern, and the <br /> applicant has agreed to change the roofing color, to be reviewed and approved by both the <br /> HOA as well as the City, prior to issuance of building permits. <br /> (2) Adherence to the Architectural Design Guidelines <br /> Staff has reviewed the submitted plans and has concluded that the home has been <br /> designed to be horizontal in character and does not accentuate vertical features. In <br /> addition, staff has concluded that the proposed second story massing is acceptable and <br /> meets the intent of the guidelines. <br /> (3) Grading <br /> Staff has reviewed the proposed grading in context of the subject site and <br /> surrounding properties and believes that it is appropriate. The majority of the grading will <br /> be located to the rear of the home and will not be visible from the street. Staff has <br /> concluded that the rear yard improvements have been designed to be built into the hillside <br /> to disturb as little area as possible and are consistent with the intent of the guidelines. <br /> (4) Homeowner Association Conduct <br /> Lastly, concerns have been raised regarding the HOA evaluation of the project, both <br /> substantively and procedurally. The HOA project evaluation process occurs independent of <br /> City review and is not supervised by the City. <br /> In addition to the original concerns raised regarding the project, this report includes <br /> supplemental discussion regarding the additional objections the appellants raised within <br /> their appeal letter included in Attachment 3. The appellant's appeal claims: <br /> (1) Misstatements of fact in the Planning Commission staff report <br /> Staff is unaware of any factual misrepresentations within the report. <br /> (2) The Commission's failure to adhere to the Design Guidelines; (3) the Commission's <br /> refusal to require the applicant to consider alternative design options; and (4) the <br /> Commission's disregard of statements they believed to be misrepresentations. <br /> The Municipal Code allows for each Commissioner to use their discretion, as they <br /> see fit, to objectively review each project. This includes the ability to individually evaluate <br /> Page 6 of 9 <br />