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PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br /> The proposed residence is a two-story home which includes a 4,275-square-foot first floor, <br /> a 2,566-square-foot second floor, and 1,020 square feet of total garage area designed as a <br /> single four-car garage. The proposed home will include a total of five bedrooms and seven <br /> bathrooms. Total proposed floor area for the residence is 6,841 square feet. <br /> The proposed building height is 32 feet, 2 inches, as measured using the height definition <br /> within the Design Guidelines and consistent with the maximum building height of 35 feet <br /> allowed for this site by the Design Guidelines. The home will include decorative stone <br /> veneer along the entire first floor along all elevations as well as stucco along the second <br /> story elevations. <br /> PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION <br /> The application was reviewed by the Planning Commission at a public hearing held on <br /> March 25, 2015. At that meeting, two neighbors as well as the project architect spoke. Jim <br /> Rogers, a Golden Eagle resident, spoke in favor of the project and the proposed grading. <br /> Mr. Monzo spoke in opposition to the project. Mr. Monzo's concerns are described in <br /> Attachment 5, Exhibit D of the Planning Commission staff report as well as within his <br /> appeal letter included in Attachment 3. Mr. Monzo's original concerns included the home's <br /> lack of horizontal character, second story massing, on-site grading, the location of the <br /> home on the lot in relation to the street and the adjacent home, and the obstruction of <br /> views from adjacent homes. In addition to Mr. Monzo's original concerns, at the public <br /> hearing Mr. Monzo also stated concerns regarding his belief that the project rendering was <br /> deceptive in showing the project's true impacts. <br /> The Planning Commission discussed Mr. Monzo's concerns and felt that the design, <br /> location and grading of the proposed home were appropriate for the neighborhood and <br /> consistent with the intent of the Design Guidelines. In regard to the preservation of views, <br /> the Commissioners were sympathetic to Mr. Monzo's concerns; however, they felt that the <br /> results of requesting the applicant to redesign the home, as suggested by Mr. Monzo, <br /> would not outweigh the impacts created by the redesign and shifting of the home on the <br /> aesthetic character and topography of the site. The Commissioners felt that shifting the <br /> home further to the rear of the property and further upslope would result in additional <br /> grading and disturbance to the natural topography. Additional concerns were also raised <br /> regarding whether the HOA would be supportive of any additional changes to the project. <br /> Commissioner Nagler felt that he did not have enough information on the design evolution <br /> of the home that was reviewed by the HOA preceding submittal to the City, or impacts of <br /> potential alternatives and, therefore, voted against the project approval. Staff noted that all <br /> HOA review is independent of the City review process and not required as part of the City <br /> application. The Commission agreed with staffs recommendation and approved the DR <br /> by a 4-1 vote. For additional background information, please refer to the March 25, 2015 <br /> Planning Commission meeting minutes in Attachment 4 and Planning Commission staff <br /> report in Attachment 5. <br /> Page 5 of 9 <br />