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properties with detached, single-family homes located in the R-1 (One-Family <br /> Residential) zoning district and RM (Multi-Family Residential) zoning district, and on <br /> properties with detached, single-family homes located in the Downtown Specific Plan <br /> Area. In general, staff believes beekeeping should be permitted on all properties with <br /> detached single-family homes in the City and on A zoned land. <br /> Process <br /> For beekeeping to be safely conducted, staff believes the City should establish clear <br /> requirements for information to be submitted with each application for beekeeping and <br /> apply standards relating to what zoning districts and areas permit beekeeping, the <br /> number of hives allowed, setbacks, colony maintenance, and preventative swarming <br /> measures. Beekeeping would be subject to a staff level permit process that will allow <br /> staff to ensure that community interests and City standards will be protected. In order to <br /> allow neighbors an opportunity to comment on beekeeping applications, the staff level <br /> process would require public notification to tenants and property owners within 100 feet <br /> of the subject site. If a neighbor objects to the application because they have a life- <br /> threating allergy to honey bees, the beekeeping permit would not be granted. <br /> Prospective beekeepers will be advised to discuss their desire to undertake beekeeping <br /> with their neighbors prior to submitting a beekeeping application. <br /> With the information submitted with each application for beekeeping, staff would <br /> determine if the standards in Section 18.103.080 (Exhibit A) are met. <br /> Performance Standards <br /> The following are the recommended performance standards for beekeeping, followed by <br /> a brief justification. <br /> Beekeeping shall only be allowed when the following regulations are met: <br /> A. Hives shall only be allowed and maintained on land in the A zoning district, on <br /> properties with detached, single-family homes located in a R-1 zoning district and <br /> RM zoning district, and properties with detached, single-family homes located in <br /> the Downtown Specific Plan Area. <br /> Staff analysis: Staff proposes that beekeeping for the A zoning district be amended <br /> from allowing apiaries as a conditional use to allowing up to 10 hives as a permitted <br /> use. The A zoning district does not currently limit the number of hives allowed, nor <br /> are there performance standards; only a conditional use permit is required. <br /> Currently, a conditional use permit for beekeeping would require review and <br /> approval by the Planning Commission; however, each review would be on a case- <br /> by-case basis with no PMC performance standards. Staff is proposing that the A <br /> zoning district be amended to allow beekeeping as a permitted use for a limited <br /> number of hives, so long as the performance standards are met, given that A zoned <br /> land typically has a minimum lot size of 5 acres, which offers a large buffer to <br /> adjacent properties that may have residential zoning designations. In addition, <br /> pollination by bees is essential for many agricultural activities that occur in the A <br /> P14-1276, Beekeeping Planning Commission <br /> Page 8 of 13 <br />